#Loqi[mastodon.errbufferoverfl.me/@errbufferoverfl] I know that platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit aren't actually "the commons" but in my opinion there is a reason we see more engagement across a broader cross-section of stakeholders on these platforms -- they are easier to navigate.I don't really have a succinct ending... (https://mastodon.errbufferoverfl.me/@errbufferoverfl/110531560712177874)
gRegor, Bart1, Loqi, [jacky] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
#Loqi[fireburn.ru] Oh, looks like Quill has been updated to indicate other social networks' character limits, because of one particular social network's downfall. Neat.
I don't remember the last time I opened that particular social network though... (https://fireburn.ru/posts/b8xnUCp)