#stream 2023-06-13

2023-06-13 UTC
Zegnat, angelo and gRegor joined the channel
[federate.blogpocket.com/@acambronero] Christian @the_cheis escribe en THE_CHEI$ sobre Linux, software libre y contracultura. En este post analiza la situación actual de las grandes plataformas sociales y como éstas han engullido al usuario, a la vez que plantea la web pequeña como posible solución al problema.... (https://federate.blogpocket.com/@acambronero/110535710220757684)
null1 joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@dietrich] @masukomi @webrecorder No need to conflate the "solve problem for everyone" with "save the content i care about" - the priority i shared in my original post.If I've learned anything, it's that the larger coordination problems (cf web standards 😂) can take decades...(I like... (https://mastodon.social/@dietrich/110536839367062584)
[Murray], [Ana_R], gRegor and angelo joined the channel
[mstdn.social/@rmdes] @shoq @Green_Footballs it does a bit more thanks to #webmentions, it retrieves comments under the original source post and display them on the blog (currently only works with Mastodon as far as I'm aware) this is part of the #indieweb concepts (https://mstdn.social/@rmdes/110538058080755081)
[calumryan] joined the channel