#stream 2023-06-14

2023-06-14 UTC
[Jo]1, [calumryan]1, [Ana_R]1, [Jo]2, Loqi__ and Guest3712 joined the channel
[techhub.social/@nimbus5000] @liztai First time I've seen the hashtag #IndieWeb. I like it! (https://techhub.social/@nimbus5000/110540035770564408)
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] What happened to #Twitter and now #Reddit is an urgent reminder that we need to embrace #Indieweb principles if we want to preserve Internet communities and free flow of information.https://indieweb.org/why (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/110539922723812159)
Loqi__, [aciccarello] and [jacky] joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] Honestly, despite the ruckus happening at #Twitter #Reddit and other #SocialMedia, 2023 is the happiest I've been online.... (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/110540470088329115)
Loqi__ and Loqi joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@stephenharlow] Next up on my #ReclaimOpen playlist is @kfitz who wants "us to go back and see if we can recover some of the best of what 2003 represented and infuse it with everything we've learned in the two decades since." Things like the #IndieWeb, the #fediverse, creativity without VCs,... (https://mastodon.social/@stephenharlow/110541083714451794)
[mastodon.social/@stephenharlow] I think @kfitz would love @sophie Koonin who's excited that "#Webrings are making a comeback". Like @kfitz, she wants "to bring the magic of the old days into the present day" with movements like the #IndieWeb. Here's @sophie at #btconf repeating with feeling that "building a... (https://mastodon.social/@stephenharlow/110541120523565493)
[social.tchncs.de/@bekopharm] @kaipelzel @GreyAreaUK @67MistakeNot online presences come and go. With #IndieWeb principles it's at least in your own hand what of your stuff survives and how long.I've even stuff important to me still on my blog that is no longer available on Google+, Facebook, Twitter or even... (https://social.tchncs.de/@bekopharm/110541260703240506)
[jeremycherfas] and heyyyy joined the channel
[timothy_chambe], [Caleb_Hearth] and gRegor joined the channel
[social.yesterweb.org/@murid] Is there a really simple guide to static site generators? Search engines are failing me and I have no idea where to start with them.#indieweb (https://social.yesterweb.org/@murid/110543747907093878)
Anyone want to reply kindly with that (not everyone, please say so here if you plan to so there's no pile on)
[snarfed] joined the channel
[social.coop/@hollie] I love all the #IndieWeb and #SmallWeb talk but I still don't see a lot of discussion of how to get The Average User (doesn't code, doesn't want to learn) into it. I stand on a fence line where I know just enough to tinker on my own site, but I can't seem to haul "regular" people... (https://social.coop/@hollie/110544268242622332)
come on how do we break people of this idea
we need to write a satire about how to get The Average User (doesn't configure IMEIs, doesn't want to learn) into cell phones.
doesn't even want to run their own cell tower 🙄
"I stand on a fence line when I know just enough to tinker with my own microcell, but I can't seem to haul "regular" people..."
where* I know
or maybe a "fairphone" would be a good analogy to a "server"
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] If you take investment to build your product, you will one day need to find a way to repay those investors. That might be a risk that you need to take because you otherwise wouldn't be able to build the thing you want to. But it's a key part of the equation.With no outside money,... (https://werd.io/2023/web-20-may-finally-be-democratized)
[benatwork]++ good post, worth indienewsing!
[benatwork] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (19 in all channels)
[benatwork] joined the channel
Yay, thank you! Just did that
[mstdn.social/@rmdes] @hollie a good step before things gets more organized is https://micro.blogAllows anyone to create content and have a presence on Mastodon, Bluesky, Nostr while owning their data, so that no matter what the future brings, you can always move the data into a new solution, while... (https://mstdn.social/@rmdes/110544645845927471)
rmdes has 1 karma over the last year