#stream 2023-07-06

2023-07-06 UTC
Logan1 joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@sass] @jake4480 Awesome! I’ve been maintaining this list of *boutique* infosec-related blogs (https://shellsharks.com/infosec-blogs#boutique-security-blogs) for a couple of years now. (This is my alt acct, I’m also @shellsharks )#indieweb #infosec #cybersecurity (https://mastodon.social/@sass/110664762666866056)
[mstdn.games/@BinaryDigit] Popular Social Media Appshttps://binarydigit.cafe/popular-social-media-apps/#Health #Tech #fediverse #indieweb #socialmedia (https://mstdn.games/@BinaryDigit/110664743575316132)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@brettk] Sabbatical accomplishment! I finally cut version 4.0.0 of this gem for integrating Jekyll with the Webmention.io service, which enables webmentions for static sites. #indieweb #jekyll: https://b-ark.ca/2023/07/05/jekyll-webmention-4.html (https://indieweb.social/@brettk/110664994545204313)
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] The way I blog has drastically changed since I discovered the IndieWeb. For one, I'm less precious with my blog posts. I allow mistakes, errors, and no longer think chronologically. Every post is an evolving document.#IndieWeb #Blogging #Website #Writing... (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/110665189612509226)
Liztai has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
[schmarty] joined the channel
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] Meta’s new social network is interesting: an obvious strategic shot at Twitter just as that network is running into trouble, as well as a way to iterate on its aging Facebook property. To that end, it makes sense that Meta would piggyback on the fediverse of independent social... (https://werd.io/2023/my-first-thoughts-about-threads)
[jeremycherfas], [Jo], [schmarty], [timothy_chambe], [snarfed], [aciccarello], [pfefferle] and gRegor joined the channel
[mstdn.social/@rmdes] @dimi none, or rather my https://micro.blog which allows me to be in all of them from my blog #indieweb (https://mstdn.social/@rmdes/110666915024092591)
[manton.org] I’ve been saying for a while that the fediverse will likely evolve to having maybe 10 medium-sized platforms, not 1000+ small servers. It won’t be a failure if Threads is one of those. It’s still much better than a single platform with a billion users. (https://www.manton.org/2023/07/06/ive-been-saying.html)
[Caleb_Hearth] joined the channel
[toot.garden/@moonview] https://suboptimalism.neocities.org/writings/yesterwebfinding out that #yesterweb blew up due to a 'digital guerilla' manipulating things behind the scenes, trying to make YW into a 'post-marxist' movement based in the #indieweb while keeping all of that on the down-low to... (https://toot.garden/@moonview/110667602359898976)
fixed link, still not sure why newlines end up getting deleted: https://suboptimalism.neocities.org/writings/yesterweb
wait what? "post-marxist movement based in the #indieweb"?!? did I miss something?
i missed the whole thing too
lots of drama apparently
misses something too
that post is a riot
lol the "backyard chickens" to "crypto with connor" pipeline. I can't even
gRegor joined the channel
this seems like a good warning to take to hear, for any online community: "complex community-building and moderation processes the staff developed and described in The Document were too time-consuming to perform at scale and they couldn’t find enough True Believers to pass off some of the workload onto."
i guess this should be in #indieweb-meta
yeah, good redirect
[manton.org] I’ve been blogging short posts this week about Meta’s launch of Threads, but I think it’s worth a slightly longer post with a quote from this interview with the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, on the Hard Fork podcast. Adam has a couple answers to why ActivityPub. The part... (https://www.manton.org/2023/07/06/adam-mosseri-on.html)
Does no-one but me remember the first time Facebook supported Activity Streams? When Monica went there to do it?
gRegor joined the channel
[ecoevo.social/@ubi] @vga256 #indieweb ? (https://ecoevo.social/@ubi/110669613870663691)