#stream 2023-07-07

2023-07-07 UTC
[dialup.cafe/@vga256] @MartinBe i think it was #indieweb (https://dialup.cafe/@vga256/110669623482080442)
[dialup.cafe/@vga256] can anyone tell me what the hashtag people use for web 1.0/oldwideweb stuff? the word is totally escaping meedit: it was #indieweb, thanks @ubi (https://dialup.cafe/@vga256/110669588833954487)
[sunny.garden/@ArpComics] Anyone know a good #tutorial for #Webmention & #WordPress? Comments & reactions from #Mastodon were being imported until about 3 months ago and I have no idea what changed.#IndieWeb #POSSE (https://sunny.garden/@ArpComics/110669639018216033)
[dialup.cafe/@vga256] A screenshot of tomo's new website plan homepage. It is presented as a wordperfect document loaded on a 1980s amber CGA terminal.... (https://dialup.cafe/@vga256/110669498849875845)
[mastodon.sdf.org/@twylo] Does my website at https://loomcom.com count as #indieweb? (https://mastodon.sdf.org/@twylo/110669794365058089)
[fosstodon.org/@redux] Sorry for being so out of touch but I'm cleaning the source code of the web portal for a stable release with more content, resources and most importantly, an improved community page. Anyway, I'll release probably tomorrow or even today if I stop procrastinating. #neocities... (https://fosstodon.org/@redux/110670075754834040)
[indieweb.social/@aegreen] Exploring the #indieweb . (https://indieweb.social/@aegreen/110670141523458765)
nicknickname joined the channel
[mastodon.timnolte.com/@tim] @atomicpoet @fediversenews I highly doubt there is some back-door dealing between Automattic & Meta concerning ActivityPub. I've interacted with @pfefferle for years, and have been using the #ActivityPub plugin for #WordPress on my site, and he is still involved in the day-to-day... (https://mastodon.timnolte.com/@tim/110670871307271730)
[indieweb.social/@brianleroux] protocols > platformsalways! protocols + open source + open governance: a long game but unstoppable#fediverse #activitypub #indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@brianleroux/110671087470720698)
Loqi__ joined the channel
[m.tzyl.eu/@ton] @ArpComics what do you use for webmention in wordpress? The #IndieWeb Webmention plugin? And do you use brid.gy to port wm's back from Mastodon to your WP site? (https://m.tzyl.eu/@ton/110671568368560973)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@janboddez] When I write a "note," it shows up on https://jan.boddez.net/notes. It is also crossposted (if it's not too long, at least) to this here Mastodon account.When I then reply to it, the Mastodon copies are correctly threaded.Over on the main blog, the second note triggers a... (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/110672692739047628)
[manton.org] Watching CNN this morning over breakfast, they said “fediverse”… So yeah, decentralization is edging into the mainstream. Progress. (https://www.manton.org/2023/07/07/watching-cnn-this.html)
[manton] joined the channel
[manton.org] My posting workflow this morning: I post to my blog from my Mac, it goes out via ActivityPub, RSS of course, and Micro.blog sends it to Bluesky and Nostr. Then I go to my iPhone and… copy/paste it into Threads! iPhone-only may have been alright for Instagram, but it’s not... (https://www.manton.org/2023/07/07/my-posting-workflow.html)
[troet.cafe/@chris_evelyn] Was mir gerade einfällt: Lebt das #IndieWeb eigentlich noch? Gibts da interessante, aktuelle Sachen? (https://troet.cafe/@chris_evelyn/110673196820349812)
[jamietanna] joined the channel
[chaos.social/@h4kor] @delong @ali @histoftech it's called POSSE in #IndieWeb. https://indieweb.org/POSSE (https://chaos.social/@h4kor/110673804741300310)
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] The other day I posted a surprisingly glowing first impression of Meta’s new Threads app. This is the counterpart to that.The site is brands, man. All of it. It’s like the glossy fashion magazine of social networks.And I get it. I really do. This is going to succeed beyond... (https://werd.io/2023/second-thoughts-about-threads)
gRegor, [mattl] and [Nabil_Maynard] joined the channel