#stream 2023-07-08

2023-07-08 UTC
[fandom.ink/@enchantedsleeper] I realised I haven't shared the basic website in question here yet, so behold a work in progress: https://enchantedsleeper.space/(Mostly I've been working on the fanfic portion, though I haven't uploaded much fic yet; it's largely placeholders. Lots more to come! But it's fun!)I... (https://fandom.ink/@enchantedsleeper/110675410333814060)
gRegor, [manton], angelo and [lifeofpablo] joined the channel
Finally updated my Zapier zap that connectis Untappd to WordPress. Thanks to Khurt at https://islandinthenet.com/manual-until-it-hurts/ for detailing the process and making it semi-easy. Ha. Now if I can just get Zapier to change the post type to “Drink” it will be... (https://social.vaughnhannon.com/auto-beer-update/)
yy joined the channel
[plush.city/@fluffy] @starbreaker I agree with everything said in that and I really wish #indieweb were a more popular choice for this stuff. XML/mf2 feeds with simple composable protocols instead of everything needing to be An App. (https://plush.city/@fluffy/110677514723434237)
[mastodon.social/@MerriNet] Remade my personal #website upgrading it from the good old Server Side Includes #SHTML to Astro! I kept the design fairly simple (= I'm not a designer so that is a sensible thing to do). The site should be fairly accessible too.In the #IndieWeb fashion I now have a more or less... (https://mastodon.social/@MerriNet/110678607361814518)
[hachyderm.io/@byjp] This slow, rainy Saturday morning accidentally brought something pretty cool alive — a URL Shortener that defends against link rot using @ipfs 's new _redirects feature.Bonus points: you can make new shortlinks with a val.town API!Read all about it:... (https://hachyderm.io/@byjp/110678606565568698)
[manton.org] With Threads hitting 80 million users already, a lot of folks are dismissing Bluesky. But maybe it’s more important than ever for Bluesky to succeed. Or pivot slightly and implement enough of ActivityPub to co-exist? Micro.blog already cross-posts to Bluesky and I haven’t... (https://www.manton.org/2023/07/08/with-threads-hitting.html)
[sunny.garden/@ArpComics] Testing #Webmention & #bridgy support. If you see this post, could you comment or like it?#IndieWeb #POSSEhttps://whatwasidoingagain.com/aside/5941/ (https://sunny.garden/@ArpComics/110679317758110462)
[jgarber] joined the channel
@fluffy I agree with you, but I think #indieweb has some unnecessary baggage. For example, I think #webmentions were a mistake. Fortunately, they're optional. (https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-7864-a99f-a0b4-69a441597925)
[mastodon.social/@sass] @starbreaker @fluffy What do you not like about webmentions out of curiosity? I’m beginning to dive more into #indieweb and was considering an implementation. (https://mastodon.social/@sass/110680373057134224)
gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@colincogle] @MerriNet Thank you for linking to Modern Font Stacks! My #website uses two fonts, but serves them itself rather than use Google Fonts. I’ll have to see how the alternatives look. #IndieWeb (https://mastodon.social/@colincogle/110680615452074772)
[lifeofpablo] and lifeofpablo joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@mcrocker] @tchambers I noticed that donations are via #Patreon https://www.patreon.com/indiewebsocial but #IndieWeb https://indieweb.org uses #OpenCollective https://opencollective.com/indieweb . Is that for philosophical reasons, simple disambiguation or some other reason? (https://indieweb.social/@mcrocker/110681120618423990)