#stream 2023-08-23

2023-08-23 UTC
[TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
^ that needs to go on IndieNews
[mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden] Got Verification here now via my Neocities blog! Took about a minute to do.#mastodon #neocities #indieweb #fediverse (https://mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden/110936628849099165)
[tilde.zone/@memo] good mornin! Would anyone like to be one of the first few people to send something into a sort of silly shared journal I crafted?https://aethyr.neocities.org/data/#neocities #indieweb #smallweb (https://tilde.zone/@memo/110937321103366740)
[marksuth] joined the channel
hey look - my hand-coded site is on mastodon now! (i hope this renders correctly) #indieweb (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://jasm1nii.xyz/blog/notes/2023/august/23/entry-1726)
gRegor joined the channel
[fosstodon.org/@robjohnson] How often have you started reading a technical article on your phone, yet given up halfway through because you got tired of scrolling sideways through code blocks? If you have your own #blog, are you giving this same annoyance to your readers?As indie #bloggers we have an... (https://fosstodon.org/@robjohnson/110940009910220419)
angelo, [asuh] and [benatwork] joined the channel