#stream 2023-08-24
2023-08-24 UTC
Loqi [mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden] Took me like 15 minutes of searching, but I finally learned how to center an iframe embed on my blog! 🎉Here it is:
https://jasonmcfadden.neocities.org/posts/2023-08-23-Sea-Of-Stars-Launching-Soon#neocities #html #indieweb #geek (https://mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden/110942440291635632)

Loqi I’m gonna have to think of a robust way to write notes and repost them across the web because I have too many networks now lmao#IndieWeb (https://beep.flawbee.net/objects/c5b74f4e-5dd9-4c35-bdc2-320e834732ca)

IWSlackGateway and gRegor joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.world/@hamatti] Hello Darkness my old friend.I built a dark mode to my website.#blogging #blaugust2023 #indieWeb #darkMode #CSS #eleventy #javascripthttps://hamatti.org/posts/building-dark-mode-for-hamatti-org/ (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/110944219886263920)

Loqi Guess whatI’ve done it and now I have an abomination of a form in my CMS which I can now write stuff in, including replies, image assets, and quick access to permashortlink creation.Next problem: syndication—it would be neat to automatically share to the social networks that... (https://beep.flawbee.net/objects/731294a6-14e1-4193-83d6-0a6797d65b28)

Hyjjh, IWSlackGateway and [schmarty] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.world/@hamatti] I hit a major milestone with my blog this week. For the first time ever, I got over 100 000 views in a month.I can't comprehend the scale of that number.#IndieWeb #blogging (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/110945562922236626)

[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Loqi [infosec.exchange/@shellsharks] I recently shared a note (https://shellsharks.com/notes/2023/08/16/your-website-your-identity) about why having a domain as your identity is so important these days thanks in large part to the enshittification of the large social platforms. But I extend this warning to those who... (https://infosec.exchange/@shellsharks/110945855956611536)

angelo and gRegor joined the channel
Loqi [mindly.social/@pwflint] Is there a not-evil place to park domains? Just signing into GoDaddy makes me feel icky.#IndieWeb folks? (https://mindly.social/@pwflint/110946218117071417)

[aciccarello], [snarfed], gRegor, gRegorLove_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel