#stream 2023-09-07

2023-09-07 UTC
petermolnar, [manton] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@erikKroes] 🤞 Let's hope the smart people that use @eleven_ty can help me out so I can syndicate my content to multiple platforms (POSSE).#indieweb https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/discussions/3039 (https://mastodon.social/@erikKroes/111023678490507314)
[tech.lgbt/@thelonelyghost] @rosareven @villasbc @pfefferle arguably one could be part of the #IndieWeb by "owning" their own platform. No tokens, webmentions, Indie Auth, etc. are needed to qualify--and anyone telling you otherwise is gatekeeping.That said, they are some very lightweight standards that are... (https://tech.lgbt/@thelonelyghost/111024102702021812)
[manton] joined the channel
[mograph.social/@mauro] Now this is cool!https://blog.kagi.com/small-web#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #blogging #kagi (https://mograph.social/@mauro/111025188292885556)
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] Rediscover the Personal Web!~ Kagi Small Web ~Blog Post: https://blog.kagi.com/small-webWebsite: https://kagi.com/smallwebRSS Feed: https://kagi.com/api/v1/smallweb/feed#blog #writing #webring #webrings #indieweb #smallweb #webdev #oldweb (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111025508101392592)
Zegnat and gRegor joined the channel
[mastodon.art/@punkwasp] I haven't shared this that much here, but I've gotten into indie web/web revival stuff recently, and I have a website I've been working on for the last few months! You can check it out here if you'd like :D https://punkwasp.leprd.space... (https://mastodon.art/@punkwasp/111025742066487254)
nsmsn, [jacky]1, [jgarber]1, [tw2113_Slack_]2, [tantek]1 and [KevinMarks] joined the channel