Loqi[tech.lgbt/@Ellizamint] Do people still fuck with Spacehey or was it just a meme that's a ghost town now? It looks like a lot of fun, although I'm probably better off scratching the web nostalgia itch with Neocities.#Spacehey #OldWeb #WebRevival #SocialMedia #Neocities #IndieWeb (https://tech.lgbt/@Ellizamint/111031095877920012)
Loqi[indieweb.social/@janboddez] Wow. For a moment there, I didn’t think it’d be this simple, but I seem to have found a way to “dynamically replace” a Post Excerpt block with a Post Content block.Why? So I can show excerpts for most posts, and the full content for “notes” (a custom post type). In,... (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/111031427543639812)
IWSlackGateway, [fluffy] and [nsmsn] joined the channel
Loqi[mastodon.social/@matthiasott] Great post by @chriscoyier, listing the different options to automatically publish links to your (WordPress) blog posts on various social media sites.TL;DR: The glass is half full.😅#IndieWeb #syndication #SocialMedia #personalsites... (https://mastodon.social/@matthiasott/111032151043332444)