#stream 2023-09-26

2023-09-26 UTC
[schmarty] joined the channel
[tilde.zone/@xandra] we're slowly starting to populate https://marigold.town in the #indieweb #webdev space. <3one project, the marigold.town museum of art, is accepting applications for any #artist of many #media types! super exciting stuff: https://museumofart.marigold.town/apply.html (https://tilde.zone/@xandra/111129585468442880)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[todon.eu/@alexture] Enjoy the differencehttps://alexsirac.com/854-2/#en #fediverse #indieWeb (https://todon.eu/@alexture/111131154307922893)
SigmundurM joined the channel
[mastodon.xyz/@hugo] IdeaIs there such a thing as an embed / quote posting tool for the #indieweb? An easy to use tool like the hosted #webmention [Endpoint](https://webmention.herokuapp.com) but for displaying a snippet of a page based on its h-entry / other #microformats? (https://mastodon.xyz/@hugo/111131354845291055)
[fantastic.earth/@s3thi] i just added a page to my personal website that catalogs all the books, music, and games that are deeply important to me in some way.i'm calling it The Loved List, shamelessly stealing the term from Anthony Fantano's website.https://ankursethi.in/the-loved-list/maybe one day i'll... (https://fantastic.earth/@s3thi/111131720137914399)
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] I learned to read and write on computers.Our first home computer, the Sinclair ZX81, had BASIC shortcuts built into the keyboards: you could hit a key combination and words like RUN, THEN, and ELSE would spit out onto the screen. I wrote a lot of early stories using those... (https://werd.io/2023/parenting-in-the-age-of-the-internet)
really appreciate your long form writing [benatwork]++
[benatwork] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (22 in all channels)
gRegor joined the channel
[mas.to/@schizanon] If you're looking for a replacement for #googlePodcasts on #android consider #AntennaPod https://f-droid.org/packages/de.danoeh.antennapod/#podcast #podcasts #google #rss #indieweb #foss #opensource #mobile (https://mas.to/@schizanon/111132903787860464)
[mastodon.design/@nsmsn] Thanks to WordPress, Hum, and iwantmyname, I now have a personal link shortener for my website.Now I can do dumb stuff: like http://nicks.im/son redirects to my about page.#IndieWeb (https://mastodon.design/@nsmsn/111133551092223657)