#stream 2023-10-01
2023-10-01 UTC
Loqi To the #IndieWeb folks out there, what’s your solution to handling reposts from a currently non-public silo (Bluesky)? At the moment I’ve avoided addressing this by not publishing any reposts on my site at all.Is it acceptable to hotlink to resources or to mirror them... (https://beep.flawbee.net/objects/c07b6ac1-4681-4453-a6fe-f000549967f9)

Loqi [fosstodon.org/@mechanicalink] Open Possibilities: A Love Letter to Open Source, the Open Web, and Open Access - https://schalkneethling.substack.com/p/open-possibilities-a-love-letter #opensource #openweb #indie #indieweb (https://fosstodon.org/@mechanicalink/111159262818251263)

Loqi [indieweb.social/@grgml] New blogpost is up – my modest guide to why and how to join the #indieweb. Check it out:https://grgml.xyz/blog/setting-up-indieweb-blog/ (https://indieweb.social/@grgml/111160741010940563)

Loqi [social.lifeofpablo.com/@pablo] I'm hosting this month's #IndieWeb Carnival on self-care. Can't wait to read your responses.https://lifeofpablo.com/blog/indieweb-carnival-october-2023#Indieweb #indiewebcarnvial #blog #selfcare #ownyourdata (https://social.lifeofpablo.com/@pablo/111161771476048082)