#stream 2023-10-31

2023-10-31 UTC
[sfba.social/@Mikal] Anyone who advocates for #POSSE and #indieweb and so on needs to keep in mind that having your own site is a non-trivial undertaking and not something that will ever gain widespread traction until we have a platform as easy to configure and post on as Mastodon or the... (https://sfba.social/@Mikal/111328411238074399)
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] #webrings watch No. 26MelonLand Surf Club #webring ... (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111328376259566015)
[tantek] joined the channel
^ more about the frustration of the specific tool/CMS/generator they were using, which is of course a fair criticism. there's a lot of frustrating tools there that are worse than a text editor
[mastodon.social/@johnpeart] The social web is a conversation, so I’ve made the Webmentions my personal website receives look like them!Become part of the conversation; reply to, like or boost this post and, in a little while, it’ll show up on this short blog post I wrote about... (https://mastodon.social/@johnpeart/111330169324420012)
[adactio.com] After two days at border:none in Nuremberg, it was time for two days at Indie Web Camp, also in Nuremberg.... (https://adactio.com/journal/20589)
James1 joined the channel
[jeremycherfas.net] IndieWeb Camp and border:none in Nürnberg were wonderful. I had a great time seeing old friends, making new ones and just giving myself over to the whole thing. Well worthwhile, including even the two twelve-hour train journeys that took me there and back. No complaints.... (https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/indieweb-camp-nu%CC%88rnberg-2023)
gRegor and [tw2113] joined the channel
[otter.garden/@joel] Just recently finished adding Bluesky backfeeding support to @snarfed.org's Bridgy :)https://www.joelotter.com/posts/2023/10/bridgy-bluesky/#indieweb (https://otter.garden/@joel/111332130372346961)