#stream 2023-11-01

2023-11-01 UTC
barnaby joined the channel
[fosstodon.org/@MindCreatesMeaning] Happy Halloween, IndieWeb!October 31st may come around once a year; but Halloween 🎃 is forever 🦇. I wish you a Happy Haunted Halloween, filled with your favorite treats! #halloween #indieweb #selfhttps://mindcreatesmeaning.com/happy-halloween-indieweb/Hey ! Connect with me... (https://fosstodon.org/@MindCreatesMeaning/111332381763384610)
[catgirlinspace] and [calumryan] joined the channel
[herestomwiththeweather.com] It has been a year since I have blogged about my IndieAuth server Irwin. Prior to that, in Minimum Viable IndieAuth Server, I explained my motivation for starting the project. In the same spirit, I would like an activitypub server as simple to understand as possible. I thought... (https://herestomwiththeweather.com/2023/10/31/irwin-dabbling-with-activitypub/)
[indieweb.social/@danicotillas] Después de estas semanas iniciales en indieweb.social aún no logro encontrar mucha gente de habla hispana que ande con la movida #indieweb #jardinesdigitales y así. ¿Alguien ahí? ¿Alguien no sabe ni de qué hablo pero le interesa a rabiar y no puede esperar más? (https://indieweb.social/@danicotillas/111334801597372904)
[bjoern], [jeremycherfas], [sebsel] and [Ana_R] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] #webrings watch No. 27the AutisTBH #webring ... (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111335263643608929)
barnaby, gRegor, [snarfed], [nsmsn], [jacky], [manton], [KevinMarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@brettk] @feditips Shame that for us POSSE #indieweb folks syndicating to multiple destinations, we still have to assume the worst. I personally just built my own basic link shortener so I could syndicate to silos that handle links poorly while preserving reader privacy. (https://indieweb.social/@brettk/111336364932913154)
[mastodon.social/@jailandrade] Estoy leyendo sobre los eventos #IndieWeb y creo que deberíamos hacer en #Xalapa https://indieweb.org/ (https://mastodon.social/@jailandrade/111336528887735183)
lifeofpablo, [marksuth] and vhbelvadi joined the channel
[front-end.social/@kizu] New blog post: “Weekly Bookmarks 3: IndieWebCamp Edition”https://blog.kizu.dev/weekly-bookmarks-003/Slightly late, all due to me being very tired after the conference and the #IndieWebCamp event.Gathered links related to some of the sessions I participate in (“Building... (https://front-end.social/@kizu/111337446980831129)
[nsmsn] and barnaby joined the channel
[gregorlove.com] The border:none conference was in Germany last week followed by an IndieWebCamp event, so several indieweb people were there. In the chat, the amount of current Covid cases was brought up and a mention of how few were masked in a crowd of about 200.... (https://gregorlove.com/2023/11/the-border-none-conference/)
barnabywalters joined the channel
[gregorlove.com] The border:none conference was in Germany last week followed by an IndieWebCamp event, so several indieweb people were there. In the chat, the amount of current Covid cases was brought up and a mention of how few were masked in a crowd of about 200.... (https://gregorlove.com/2023/11/the-border-none-conference/)