#stream 2023-11-19

2023-11-19 UTC
[mastodon.social/@fromjason] Think it's time I look into web mentions for my blog. Anyone have anything to say about that?? #indieweb #11ty (https://mastodon.social/@fromjason/111434686749021537)
jason joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@fromjason] Spent the last couple hours playing around and researching web mentions, then Microsub servers and reeders. Seems like it's a largely abandoned initiative (no judgement) or am I looking in the wrong places? #indieweb #indieauth (https://mastodon.social/@fromjason/111435149242093515)
[hachyderm.io/@mariyadelano] Important piece for all of us on the #Fediverse and #IndieWeb by @moira... (https://hachyderm.io/@mariyadelano/111435121210768538)
Webmentions have been great to work with on my site. I haven’t had much success with microsub at this point though. The Indiepass app looks really nice and has been great for posting. But my indieauth login seemed to have issues logging into the couple microsub apps I tried so... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://www.ciccarello.me/posts/2023/11/19/microsub-initiative/)
[jacky] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@matthiasott] Issue 3 of #OwnYourWeb is out. 🥳This time, we’re answering the question: (how) does a personal website change your life?Plus links to talks, podcasts, and posts by @sophie, @paulrobertlloyd, @adactio, @fonts, Scott Tolinski, and Wes Bos.Personal site of the (every other)... (https://mastodon.social/@matthiasott/111436219401180921)
barnaby joined the channel
^ excellent! [matthiasott]++
[matthiasott] has 1 karma over the last year
[aus.social/@attacus] Today I built a silly webpage by hand in a couple of hours. (I’m not going to tell you what it was, except that it was frivolous af.)I started out by looking for a template, but everything I found was way too involved, so I ended up writing the HTML and CSS from scratch,... (https://aus.social/@attacus/111436766196438625)
[KevinMarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[islandinthenet.com] In a recent blog post, Jason Becker reflected on the challenges of measuring engagement and building communities on personal blogs when you don’t have analytics. Jason linked to a blog post by Monique Judge calling for a return to personal blogging.... (https://islandinthenet.com/social-rss-reader/)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Thanks to bridgy fed, http://webmention.io and the indiekit micropub server, I've been really happy with the experience replying to Mastodon posts.
[snarfed]++ [Paul_Robert_Ll]++
[Paul_Robert_Ll] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
[snarfed] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (137 in all channels)
Receiving webmentions was easy to set up with webmention.io and webmention.js. For a static site, sending webmentions is a little messier, but there is a netlify plugin that I’ve found helpful. Always room for improvement though. (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://www.ciccarello.me/posts/2023/11/19/indieweb-site-implementation/)
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[aciccarello] Woot! FWIW, I’ve started looking at adding a Webmention endpoint to Indiekit, but that’s lead me down a path of beginning contributions and filing issues on upstream Node.js projects.
srijan joined the channel
Loqi sometimes giggles in response to Woot
srijan joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@byjp] Is there an #opensource backed standard for annotating others’ webpages?I’m thinking specifically being able to tag others’ sites with #IndieWeb h-cards (eg. Adding machine readable event tags to pages like this: https://www.ewanbleach.com/events)or something more fancy,... (https://hachyderm.io/@byjp/111438727335984857)
srijan and [jamietanna] joined the channel
[babka.social/@acarson] Interesting. Bridgy is syndicating the link to the post, but not the accompanying text. So let's try this the other way. #indieweb #problems (https://babka.social/@acarson/111438831776057168)
[hachyderm.io/@wood] Webmentions: how I used 1990s technology to avoid writing JavaScript.> When I started building websites over 20 years ago, I used Perl and CGI to run simple scripts, like a guestbook (I wrote my own). I prefer Ruby these days—and Perl has deprecated CGI—but could that... (https://hachyderm.io/@wood/111438927409687221)
[James_Van_Dyne], [nsmsn] and [snarfed] joined the channel