#stream 2023-11-20

2023-11-20 UTC
[social.sdf.org/@mjgardner] @Perl #TIL about @jmac's https://metacpan.org/pod/Web::Mention #Perl #CPAN module for #Webmentions, a key #IndieWeb standard and @w3c Recommendation that enables #federated conversation across #blogs, #SocialNetworks, or anything that supports it.More about #Webmention here:... (https://social.sdf.org/@mjgardner/111439948944575500)
[pub.calebhearth.com/@caleb] Avoid Services that Don't Make it Easy to Get Your Data: http://calebhearth.com/m/services-and-data #NaBloPoMo #IndieWeb (https://pub.calebhearth.com/@caleb/111439905260222356)
[mastodon.social/@fromjason] I signed up for a micro.blog trial today and set it up on a subdomain as an experiment. Anyone use micro.blog as a type of companion platform for your main blog? Wondering if it adds a missing element to my site or if it feels redundant. We'll see. I'll play around with it for... (https://mastodon.social/@fromjason/111440741586304762)
[James_Van_Dyne], [tantek], [jacky], [chrisaldrich], IWSlackGateway and [snarfed] joined the channel
[floss.social/@sergi] I'm looking for a domain registrar and hosting provider that isn't a big corporation to set up a #blog — just static files, nothing complex. Ideally, it should also provide TLS certificates with auto-renewal.I've used #AWS in the past, but they don't meet the... (https://floss.social/@sergi/111441115421059516)
[mastodon.social/@fromjason] My first pass at my micro.blog companion thingy for my main blog #microblog #indieweb https://micro.fromjason.xyz/ (https://mastodon.social/@fromjason/111441072249277202)
skroom, [marksuth] and [sebsel] joined the channel
[social.lol/@mihobu] I managed to get a mixed list working that lets me use any combination of “icons” (masks), images, and emojis as list markers. The sizing and spacing isn’t quite perfect, but it looks pretty good on Safari and Firefox, and resizes pretty well too. #CSS #HTML... (https://social.lol/@mihobu/111442574220241374)
[jgarber], Akash and [tantek] joined the channel
[infosec.exchange/@shellsharks] My strategy and philosophy for syndicating content from my site.https://shellsharks.com/syndication-strategy#indieweb #posse #pesos #syndication #mondayblogs #nablopomo (https://infosec.exchange/@shellsharks/111443691598407619)
barnaby, [aimee], gRegor and [jacky] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@zaboolean] Decided to play around with #neocities and to learn some #html and #css to make a small personal website eventually.... (https://mastodon.social/@zaboolean/111445494113849694)