#stream 2023-11-21

2023-11-21 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
[masto.futbol/@oldschooldev] Amazing that nowadays people „blog“ in github repos (link is just a recent example). Because after their experiences with Twitter and other monopolies, they don't want to concentrate their valuable content in silos... 😀 #blogging... (https://masto.futbol/@oldschooldev/111447422808482791)
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[infosec.exchange/@shellsharks] @matthiasott A little late getting this to you (I just saw this post yesterday). Love the newsletter though!https://shellsharks.com/notes/2023/11/21/how-has-my-site-changed-my-life#nablopomo #indieweb #blogging (https://infosec.exchange/@shellsharks/111448823148558131)
[fedi.jeremy.hu/@jeremy] @matthiasott I've had a personal site for the past 17 years. I've tinkered a lot with it, I find it a great way to learn new things.I started with Joomla, then moved to WordPress, then Jekyll, then back to WordPress, then Ghost, then back to WordPress again.It's always back to... (https://fedi.jeremy.hu/@jeremy/statuses/01HFS3VQGZG03ASDFGK3B4D0BZ)
[islandinthenet.com] I was excited when Automattic, the parent company of WordPress.com, announced that they had acquired the popular WordPress plugin ActivityPub.... (https://islandinthenet.com/wordpress-activitypub/)
[manton], [aciccarello], [snarfed] and barnaby joined the channel
[thegoblin.market/@lazcorp] New blog post: Digital Worlds and Gardens - One possible non-capitalist approach to the documentation of artistic practice, with some measured warnings against nostalgia.https://www.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/blogs/artists-notebook/posts/digital-worlds-and-gardens#blog #blogging... (https://thegoblin.market/@lazcorp/111449770089034747)
dolearning, gRegor and [davidmead] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@danicotillas] Ya han florecido 135 materiales en jardin.cc > https://jardin.cc/materiales/ Poca broma, ¿eh? A ver esos #indieweb que sumen, comenten, y disfruten! (https://indieweb.social/@danicotillas/111450485081160013)
[schmarty] joined the channel