#stream 2023-11-26

2023-11-26 UTC
heh love stats like that
[mastodon.social/@dacbarbos] Thanks to this lovely website https://briefs.video, I accidentally learned that #webmention rocks! https://webmention.rocks #indieweb #w3c (https://mastodon.social/@dacbarbos/111473944675033469)
[aciccarello], [jacky], [fluffy] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil.io/profile/cleverdevil] ✅ Micropub ✅ IndieAuth ✅ Home Feed ✅ About Page ✅ On This Day ✅ Archive ✅ Overview ✅ Pagination (https://cleverdevil.io/2023/-micropub-indieauth-home-feed-about-page)
[cleverdevil.io/profile/cleverdevil] Still to do: - Webmention - Authentication - Publishing UIs - Export / import bugs (recipes don’t work, likes don’t show up) - Polish (https://cleverdevil.io/2023/still-to-do--webmention--authentication--publishing-uis)
[cleverdevil] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] and [tw2113] joined the channel
[rheinhessen.social/@dmowitz] I just finished my small contribution to this months #indieweb carnival with the great topic "Community and belonging" chosen by @alexture: https://daniel.mowitz.rocks/longform/community/bases/ (https://rheinhessen.social/@dmowitz/111478401038221376)
[fosstodon.org/@jd7h] I have started a Dutch fork of Kagi's Small Web Initiative. I still need to bootstrap the feed list. If you have a personal blog in Dutch, feel free to add it here: https://github.com/jd7h/smallweb-nl/edit/sw-dutch/smallweb-nl.txtIf you want to contribute in other ways, let me... (https://fosstodon.org/@jd7h/111478394474383641)
[mastodon.social/@lyonsinbeta] Where do people host flat-file websites nowadays?It need to support a lot of media files (it's an archive for a discontinued podcast), and multiple domains/websites on a single host would be ideal. I don't care about one-click wordpress or email or anything else.What do you... (https://mastodon.social/@lyonsinbeta/111478224505310028)
[fosstodon.org/@jd7h] Guide to facilitating a self-organised conference and BBQ as birthday party: "How to unconference your birthday" by @ton https://zylstra.org/blog/How_to_Unconference_Your_Birthday.pdf#events #indieweb #party #conference #crowdsourcing (https://fosstodon.org/@jd7h/111478699454350384)
JohnBeales1 and [tantek] joined the channel
Another Small Web initiative?
What is the small web
Small Web is a phrase used in a 1999 article, a hosting service, two consulting services, a May 2020 article, a Aug 2020 blog post to aspirationally describe (without citing) a subset of IndieWeb principles, and most recently a HackerNews summary of Gemini https://indieweb.org/small_web
[jeremycherfas] and [jamietanna] joined the channel