#stream 2023-11-27

2023-11-27 UTC
Loqi, [tantek], [tw2113], [jacky], IWSlackGateway, [jamietanna], [aciccarello]2 and [fluffy] joined the channel
[tilde.zone/@xandra] after an incredibly busy fall offline, i've managed to get version 5 up of the mueum of alexandra @ https://xandra.cc!this week, i'm celebrating two years of rediscovering the personal #web and #indieweb movements, scattered across our independent plains from the tendrils of the... (https://tilde.zone/@xandra/111480166319262853)
yeah it looks like
[preview] [kagisearch] smallweb: Kagi Small Web
I appreciate the goals of a small web search, but moderating that sounds sticky
[mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden] Made fairly big changes to my HTML site's main navbar/header this eve. Was afraid 🫤 I broke stuff as changes were not consistent or complete across different browsers. Think all's well now though - 😬 relieved. Happy 🤓for a fresh and simpler blog site. More to come!#html... (https://mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden/111480687466822455)
small web << As of 2023, also a community curated search engine! https://github.com/kagisearch/smallweb#kagi-small-web
ok, I added "As of 2023, also a community curated search engine! https://github.com/kagisearch/smallweb#kagi-small-web" to the "See Also" section of /small_web https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=90851&oldid=89225
aciccarello sounds like a good reason to add a three other indieweb sites, tag the people you added here to add three more
Wow, they have 10,000 feeds they parse
Apparently I'm already in there. I assume from https://personalsit.es/ which is a source of https://indieblog.page/faq#sources which is a source for kagisearch
Anyone on the indieweb webring is apparently already included.
angelo joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@danicotillas] Howdy #IndieWeb now that I have my blog with the ActivityPub I do't get how can I answer to somebody who comment on the Mastodon post with the "Reply" kind. Any help?! (https://indieweb.social/@danicotillas/111482613125090644)
[Jo], [snarfed] and gRegor joined the channel
[infosec.exchange/@shellsharks] I’m a big #inboxzero fan, both as a means to generally declutter but also as a mechanism to fuel a productive to-do driven life. Check out the two-part series on Inbox Zero below if you’re interested!Part I (the Art): https://shellsharks.com/inbox-zeroPart II (the Science):... (https://infosec.exchange/@shellsharks/111484019784226046)
[schmarty], [James_Van_Dyne], [jacky], [aciccarello] and [manton] joined the channel