#stream 2023-11-28

2023-11-28 UTC
ianjs joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@hammyhavoc] I've been a fan of RSS for almost a quarter of a century—IMO, it keeps the modern web useable—feels more relevant than ever with the Twitter/X mismanagement. Love FreshRSS.Recommend me your favourite RSS feeds! Even if they're yours, I want to know about them!Installing... (https://mastodon.social/@hammyhavoc/111485768566505561)
[mastodon.social/@fromjason] Why do we confine ourselves to a handful of apps when the web is so gigantic? 
... (https://mastodon.social/@fromjason/111486248796537250)
silos has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-2 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
[toot.jeena.net/@jeena] @imyaman I see you're also involved in similar things like me like #IndieWeb #Fediverse #programming #blogging etc.Have you seen this one Korean #Lemmy instance? https://lemmy.funami.tech/I have no idea who is hosting it and for how long they will have it up, it's the only... (https://toot.jeena.net/@jeena/111487985018975238)
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[changelog.social/@changelog] "RSS should be used for so much more than just blog posts and statuses”#rss #indieweb #syndication #mastodon #fediverse #federatedhttps://colinwalker.blog/blog/?date=2023-11-19 (https://changelog.social/@changelog/111488758158685696)
^ it really could be
[indieweb.social/@janboddez] “IndieBlocks v0.10.0”I should probably blog about this over at the IndieBlocks website, but whatever. So, what’s new in version 0.10.0? Well, webmentions for replies. That is, the plugin is now able to also send webmentions for comments that themselves are replies to a... (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/111489392237956486)
IndieBlocks v0.10.0I should probably blog about this over at the IndieBlocks website, but whatever. So, what’s new in version 0.10.0? Well, webmentions for replies. That is, […]https://jan.boddez.net/articles/indieblocks-v0-10-0 (https://jan.boddez.net/articles/indieblocks-v0-10-0)
[jacky] maybe? the last time that was seriously attempted ("RSS ... used for so much more than just blog posts and statuses") we got Atom, then Activity Streams / Atom, then hfeed + hentry, then Activity Streams / JSON, then h-feed + h-entry, then Activity Streams 2 / JSON(-LD)
what is RSS optimism
It looks like we don't have a page for "RSS optimism" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "RSS optimism is ____", a sentence describing the term)
i'm pretty sure when people say that, it's more about the general idea of hosting a feed at a website vs the actual format itself
I still need to write that up, both the sociological phenomenon of posts like "RSS should be used for so much more…", and the historical reality of paths already taken
aaronpk, I'm pretty sure the people who say "RSS should…" are NOT referring to AS2/JSON(-LD) or even JSONFeed
we could ask them? 🤷
for clarity as least
i don't really want to re-start the RSS/Atom wars
provokes it with the impeding release of RAtom 3.1
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of ratom
it sounds like a pokemon
what about JARtom -- JSON serialization of Atom over RSS
wait lol
I wonder _how_ doable that is lol
cursed projects
that's the gdata format
it's not pretty
there was a reason I rejected it as the json serialisation for OpenSocial/AS1
"version": "1.0",
"feed": {
"encoding": "UTF-8",
"xmlns": "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom",
"xmlns$openSearch": "http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearchrss/1.0/",
"xmlns$gd": "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005",
"xmlns$gCal": "http://schemas.google.com/gCal/2005",
"id": {"$t": "..."},
"updated": {"$t": "2006-11-12T21:25:30.000Z"},
"title": {
don’t forget to wrap it all in RSS too
so then would the XML be like a container for the JSON
or are we convertin this _from_ JSON to XML? lol
the tempting this about this is that if I could find a "unified" representation, I could pipe in JSON and output XML easily
that was what the googlers liked about it as reversible abstractions were their idea of fun. As a structure to be read by javascript developers in 2007 it wouldn't fly. But that was a huge internal fight that got me reorged into devrel
[tw2113] joined the channel
[snarfed.org] Hi! I’m Ryan. I’ve been building social network bridges and related tools for over 12 years, including Bridgy, which connects personal web sites and blogs to centralized social networks, and Bridgy Fed, which connects them to the fediverse.... (https://snarfed.org/2023-11-27_re-introducing-bridgy-fed)
Lol that featured image [snarfed] 🤣
[snarfed]++ great post.
[snarfed] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (127 in all channels)