#stream 2024-01-04

2024-01-04 UTC
[indieweb.social/@brianleroux] The Pirate Ship Model"The thing is, if you want a thing to survive on the internet, it needs its own website, and if you have a stake in it, it needs to be your website." - @taalumot https://taalumot.space/writing/pirate-ship-social-media#webdev #frontend #indieweb #fediverse (https://indieweb.social/@brianleroux/111694778411180725)
[indieweb.social/@brianleroux] Further thinking on cold-blooded software, this is perhaps a bit spicy, but from a pure business perspective warm blooded software is not ideal. Fundamentally, unserious in fact.#indieweb #webstandards #fediverse (https://indieweb.social/@brianleroux/111694841930787811)
to2ds and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Mastodon could fix its js;dr problem
[KevinMarks] are there AP server/instance implementation examples that are not js;dr that we can point to?
Maybe add mf2 to the /embed page and a FYND link to it?
that seems like a stretch, though rel=embed could make sense for auto-discovery of embed URLs for quoting / quote-posting UIs
fluffy joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@dricibone] Talking about "The Software Industry" makes about as much sense as talking about "The Music Industry".It's the least interesting slice of both creative practices.Look to the edges, the boundaries, the borders.#PlayMusicMakeSoftware #indieweb (https://hachyderm.io/@dricibone/111694988733569954)
fluffy joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@developerjustin] I posted about this in a reply earlier but I updated my website today! I don’t post very often on there, or at least haven’t in the past, but that was partially because managing it felt super clumsy. I am a developer but when I just want to post something or share something,... (https://mastodon.social/@developerjustin/111695273750248540)
[cleverdevil.club/@jonathan] If there is sufficient interest, I’d love to find two or three other motivated developers to work with. I think I’m onto something, but its slow going on my own. I’ll get it to production eventually, but building a vibrant community is appealing to me. If you’re... (https://cleverdevil.club/@jonathan/111695737608496914)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] If there is sufficient interest, I’d love to find two or three other motivated developers to work with. I think I’m onto something, but its slow going on my own. I’ll get it to production eventually, but building a vibrant community is appealing to me. If you’re... (https://cleverdevil.io/2024/if-there-is-sufficient-interest-id-love)
[cleverdevil.club/@jonathan] As I have shared, I’ve been working on a new platform for my website, built with Python, Flask, and DuckDB. Its fast, stores content on disk as JSON files, supports many “kinds” of content, IndieAuth, Micropub, etc. Its not open source, but I’d be curious to know if there... (https://cleverdevil.club/@jonathan/111695732262479078)
[nsmsn] joined the channel
[social.lol/@bix] Should I read anything into the fact that the #Microformats 2 plugin hasn’t been updated in six years? #WordPress #IndieWeb https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-uf2/ (https://social.lol/@bix/111695898294846592)
I mean, 6 years was really only 3 years ago
you probably should read more into "Description It is only a very basic implementation, because not every element is accessible through actions or filters. It is better to use a theme that supports Microformats 2 fully." on that page :D
(although tbf it doesnt quite say "and we've found in practice this is a severe limit" which I think is the current thinking)
[cleverdevil.io/profile/cleverdevil] As I have shared, I’ve been working on a new platform for my website, built with Python, Flask, and DuckDB. Its fast, stores content on disk as JSON files, supports many “kinds” of content, IndieAuth, Micropub, etc. Its not open source, but I’d be curious to know if there... (https://cleverdevil.io/2024/as-i-have-shared-ive-been-working)
[cleverdevil.io/profile/cleverdevil] If there is sufficient interest, I’d love to find two or three other motivated developers to work with. I think I’m onto something, but its slow going on my own. I’ll get it to production eventually, but building a vibrant community is appealing to me. If you’re... (https://cleverdevil.io/2024/if-there-is-sufficient-interest-id-love)
31 days of #IndieWeb gifts: the _2023 IndieWeb Gift Calendar_ (https://indieweb.org/2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar) wrapped up a full month of IndieWeb-related creations & updates from the community (and sometimes beyond) to everyone who wants to improve their #IndieWeb... (https://tantek.com/2024/003/t1/2023-indieweb-gift-calendar-numbers)
31 days of #IndieWeb gifts: the _2023 IndieWeb Gift Calendar_ (https://indieweb.org/2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar) wrapped up a full month of IndieWeb-related creations & updates from the community (and sometimes beyond) to everyone who wants to improve their #IndieWeb... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/2024/003/t1/2023-indieweb-gift-calendar-numbers)
[thegoblin.market/@lazcorp] I have added some XSLT & CSS to my blog RSS feed so as not to frighten away non-techie users who stumble upon it (and also to encourage them to get an RSS Reader):https://www.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/feeds/blogs/artists-notebook/format/rss#IndieWeb #RSS (https://thegoblin.market/@lazcorp/111697623967355990)
[tantek.com] 31 days of #IndieWeb gifts: the _2023 IndieWeb Gift Calendar_ (https://indieweb.org/2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar) wrapped up a full month of IndieWeb-related creations & updates from the community (and sometimes beyond) to everyone who wants to improve their #IndieWeb... (http://tantek.com/2024/003/t1/2023-indieweb-gift-calendar-numbers)
to2ds, Khan and ker0r0a joined the channel
Not sure how I’m triplicating my indieweb posts here or if there's any way to de-dupe (only show once with the canonical source, like the last one listed)
[snarfed] joined the channel
[mastodon.matrix.org/@matrix] The Foundation's Managing Director, @josh, recently completed a migration from managed Matrix with EMS to self-hosting using the matrix-docker-ansible-deploy project. It was a tricky process, so we're sharing the details!Whether or not you're migrating homeservers, or setting up... (https://mastodon.matrix.org/@matrix/111698791098272793)
[Joe_Crawford], gRegor, [aciccarello], to2ds, kubie, jacky and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] IndieWeb Carnival January 2024 has received its second submission! 🕺 https://sarajaksa.eu/2024/01/indieweb-carnival-january-2024-the-feeling-of-being-myself/Join Sara in embracing your weird this year!#indieweb #smallweb #blog #writing #web #internet #weird #fun (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111700075826495180)
jacky joined the channel