#stream 2024-01-05

2024-01-05 UTC
[tantek], to2ds, barnaby, [cleverdevil], jacky, c88, [campegg] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@developerjustin] New blog up on ferrell.rocks! Why did I redo my website after neglecting it for so long? How did I do it? What does it mean for my website going forward? It's all in there! #IndieWeb #blogging #webdev https://ferrell.rocks/new-website-a-contractors-home/ (https://mastodon.social/@developerjustin/111703617311338697)
jacky and to2ds joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@techlifeweb] My site has morphed over time. Used to self-host Wordpress and now 11ty. I'm updating again to add a side section for a digital garden. I haven't exactly figured out how I'm going to use but it will be good to have a spot where I can put things that aren't "blog-y" and it has... (https://indieweb.social/@techlifeweb/111704152257448023)
[Jo] and to2ds joined the channel
[fosstodon.org/@JanMiksovsky] Even the simplest possible static site requires site structure (organizing the files into a folder hierarchy) and a server that can respond to web requests with those files. A non-trivial site generally also requires some way to reuse HTML across pages. Where is all that... (https://fosstodon.org/@JanMiksovsky/111704376114441895)
to2ds and gRegor joined the channel
[paulrobertlloyd.com] Sat in my local coffee shop on Wednesday morning, with Feist’s 1234 playing on the radio, I had a sudden melancholy thought: I miss This is My Jam.This is My Jam was a short-lived social network where users could share a song they were listening to on a given week. I tended to... (https://paulrobertlloyd.com/2024/005/a1/jams/)
Apple jam sounds tasty but I prefer apple pie
[schmarty] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas.net] There's an interesting discussion going on in the IndieWeb chat forums about signalling that your website does not use AI. JamesG, for example, displays a badge on each post (though not on his home page, that reads "written by human not by AI" and that links through to a site... (https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/i-wrote-this)
Jo1, to2ds and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[boitam.eu/@joachim] Lovingly fixing and improving your personal blog’s theme is selfcare, right?#blog #web #indieWeb (https://boitam.eu/@joachim/111705339860215932)
Jo1 joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@kiko] @facundoolano Reconnect with the good side of the Web 2024This post grabbed me this morning, because it speaks to me from the soul about the danger of burnout in the IT industry and the joy you get when you can develop something for yourself and no one else. For me in particular,... (https://indieweb.social/@kiko/111705709305830580)
to2ds and jacky joined the channel
[mastodon.au/@miclgael] Reading "De-mystifying Web Mentions" and getting even more mystified. #indieweb #webmentions (https://mastodon.au/@miclgael/111706008401795559)