#stream 2024-01-31
2024-01-31 UTC
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[Al_Abut] [tantek] I thought you might like arc search because the first thing I did was ask it how to boil an egg and see if it passes the “would [capjamesg] feel empowered by this?” test.
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Loqi [sunny.garden/@piper] alright fediverse, need some guidance: setting up a website for a client/buddy of mine, but the VPS provider we're using is starting to do some weird shit and i think it's time i find a different VPS to start using for both clients and myself.does anyone have any recommendations... (https://sunny.garden/@piper/111847901906377523)

Loqi [hcommons.social/@ryanrandall] While we're talking about our #indieWeb sites, today I renamed my "Links Rhizome" page to just be an "Elsewhere" page, as that seems to be the naming convention folks are converging around.A nice thing about a rhizome, though, is that it always might surprise you and continue on... (https://hcommons.social/@ryanrandall/111847990977654978)

jacky joined the channel
Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] I am once again suggesting that you check out https://omg.lol. It is a one-stop shop for all your #indieweb needs, it's cute as hell, and it's made by awesome people. Here's some of the things OMG.lol offers:- Email address... (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/111848222444249032)

gRegorLove_ and [aciccarello] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [Al_Abut] Love the “would [capjamesg] feel empowered by this?” test 😄

Loqi [tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter] I started my #Blogroll here but oh boy do I want a way to automate this or to give people the option of subscribing to my OPML file, https://robertkingett.com/blogroll/ #Blog #Blogging #IndieWeb #SmallWeb (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/111849979518217708)

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.social/@robert42] Question for the #SmallWeb #indieweb folks or anyone using a static site generator with #git . I know there's often git advice that says avoid storing large binaries in the repo because version control designed for plain text doesn't handle that well. For a static blog that may... (https://mastodon.social/@robert42/111850909697878998)

[Murray], jacky and [tantek] joined the channel
Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] @habibcham @andyn And I hope everyone does the same! I love reading all of this great #indieweb content. (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/111851365195258935)

Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] I've been running a Pika.page blog for about a week now, and I'm loving it. It's minimalist but customizable, and the Good Enough team are very friendly and open to feedback.https://mastodon.world/@goodenoughllc/111851397850065701#indieweb #blogging (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/111851405282622259)

Loqi [c.im/@youronlyone] Projects on my plate (in no particular order; or maybe it is in priority-order):1. My personal #Hugo / #GoHugo boilerplate (with #a11y (accessibility), #microformats, #fediverse, #IndieWeb, support)2. #Filipino language in #Hangeul. (Temporarily calling it #FilipinoHangeul.)So... (https://c.im/@youronlyone/111851407329486896)

[Al_Abut] joined the channel
Loqi [indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] #indieweb carnival submission number 12! 🕹️ https://psychcool.neocities.org/BlogPosts/Psychology/nostalgiaWhat is Nostalgia? Take a dive with Psychcool, and maybe find out!#nostalgia #retro #videogames #blog #writing #psychology #memory #happy #webdev #internet #family (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111851491071936362)

gRegor joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.world/@hamatti] I'm so excited for February's #IndieWeb Carnival.Manuel set us up with a lovely topic of digital relationships.As someone who grew up making friends through async IRC discussions and have life-long friends I've never seen or met, I love this and my mind is buzzing with... (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/111851749883748979)

[snarfed] joined the channel
Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] @goodenoughllc also has a cool simple website host at YAY.BOO!https://yay.boo/#indieweb #smallweb #webhosting (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/111852004010315854)

[Paul_Robert_Ll] and [marksuth] joined the channel
Loqi [social.rossabaker.com/@ross] Thinking about types of posts on my web site and how to organize and present more clearly. I perceive a dichotomy between moments in time (e.g., blog posts) and living documents (e.g., literate configs) that's more meaningful than the common ones. Streams vs. gardens, or... (https://social.rossabaker.com/@ross/111852132805119445)

Loqi [mas.to/@Quinn9282] I came across a website that features small or otherwise lesser-known personal sites hosted on #Neocities! Found lots of really cool websites in the list!https://federiefederi.neocities.org#IndieWeb #SmallWeb (https://mas.to/@Quinn9282/111852289088189869)

Loqi [manton.org] I paused posting to Threads last year because I thought the platform would be joining the fediverse soon-ish. They’re making good progress with the early enabled accounts, but it’s going to be a while until folks on Threads can follow my Micro.blog profile, so I’m going to... (https://www.manton.org/2024/01/31/i-paused-posting.html)

[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Loqi [aus.social/@missytwrites] Been fiddling around with this blog/website, need to make it a little bit better but hey, I posted a new blog entry about the nostalgia of the yesterweb. (Also will probably need to figure out the social media cards that show up when you link... (https://aus.social/@missytwrites/111853058428823540)

Loqi [hachyderm.io/@byjp] @neiman I’m in a similar boat; I love the idea of an #IndieWeb where putting another blog in my blog roll means helping host it via #IPFS.One day I may complete my “auto Pinner”, which pins DNS-based /ipns/ references (so they’re always up to date). If IPNS records can be... (https://hachyderm.io/@byjp/111853033505081064)