#stream 2024-02-01
2024-02-01 UTC
reillypascal, [tw2113] and j12t joined the channel
Loqi [techhub.social/@alabut] Yesterday I enjoyed some delicious burgers and wide-ranging conversation with @gregorlove.com and our mutual buddy @artlung at our local Five Guys. Meeting up in real life was a nice change of pace from our usual online hangouts with our other #IndieWeb friends and Homebrew... (https://techhub.social/@alabut/111854985577827953)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@lars] Need some #IndieWeb / #webmention WordPress help. I (think) I've implemented support for sending, receiving and displaying webmentions, through the IndieBlocks plugin.Through "reposting" ( https://lars-christian.com/notes/b17c8a8b58/ ) I've sent a webmention to James' excellent... (https://mastodon.social/@lars/111855181990634848)

Loqi [social.synesthesia.co.uk/@julian] Bookmark of 'Discover the IndieWeb, one blog post at a time.'
A great way to find new voices and a bit of mind-stimulation…
https://www.synesthesia.co.uk/stream/bookmark-of-discover-the-indieweb-one-blog-post-at-a-time./ (https://social.synesthesia.co.uk/@julian/111855268395571208)

Loqi [scicomm.xyz/@ratika] Another wonderful blog I found out in the wild--every post is written as if the author could read my mind. And said it much better than I could! Check it out!https://bikobatanari.art/posts/2019/audience-zero#blog #blogging #SocialMedia #IndieWeb #Writing (https://scicomm.xyz/@ratika/111855642832695849)

sam_b and sam_boyer joined the channel
Loqi [ohai.social/@3AM] ive made #neocities page for some reason. idk why but here: https://homewatcher.neocities.org/
im not a #webdev at all, im an artist with 2 brain cells, so don't b too harsh lol
#indieweb #indiewebdev (https://ohai.social/@3AM/111856870452731339)

Loqi [social.yesterweb.org/@triptych] How to get on the #indieweb --> https://indiewebify.me/ #smallweb (https://social.yesterweb.org/@triptych/111856897310347401)

barnaby and [schmarty] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.social/@elliotjaystocks] Very late last night — in the last few minutes of January — I put my “2023 in review” post live. It’s probably too long and probably too personal, but hey, it’s the #indieweb.https://elliotjaystocks.com/blog/2023-in-review (https://mastodon.social/@elliotjaystocks/111857132469550228)

[Al_Abut] [tantek] yeah! We covered so much personal ground that it’s hard to recap. That plus the packed out 16 person zoom last night has left me buzzing with positivity and inspiration.

sam_b, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Loqi [tilde.zone/@xandra] BIG 32-bit cafe news: we're expanding into https://discourse.32bit.cafe starting february 15th! (sign-ups will be open then!)if you've never really been into discord, deleted discord, or just want to diversify your communication platforms, you'll be happy to see this from us!... (https://tilde.zone/@xandra/111857695481705244)

cambridgeport90, [aciccarello] and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
[aciccarello] I'm actually heading south tomorrow. Gonna work from a coffee shop
[aciccarello] In Mira Mesa, not quite SD
Loqi [phpc.social/@sven] I am re-doing my website, and am once again weighing the pros and cons of #RSS vs #Atom. Which should I use? And if both, which should get more prominence on the site? (E.g. `<a>` links in the HTML content on the overview page). #php #feeds #blog #IndieWeb #SmallWebOnly RSS... (https://phpc.social/@sven/111858019789188427)

Loqi [indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] Yoooo! And with the surprise 13th and final entry for last month's #indieweb carnivalhttps://www.zinzy.website/2024/01/31/flutter/Zinzy leads us, lovingly, into February! ❤️ #love #blog #writing #psychology #memory #happy #smallweb (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111858111413333263)

[Al_Abut] I grew up next to Mira Mesa, [aciccarello], my parents are still there too.
cambridgeport90 joined the channel
[Al_Abut] Can definitely hang out in drier weather.
[Al_Abut] What’s the occasion?
[aciccarello] My wife has an appointment in the area so we're getting out of the house.
[Al_Abut] Oh nice, good for you.
[Al_Abut] As long as your Gather avatar is in the pixelated office building… ;)
Loqi [paulrobertlloyd.com] Is 2024 the year of the personal website? Perhaps it’ll prove to be the year of the federated social web? Maybe a resurgence in RSS? One thing’s for sure, after more than a decade of consolidation, the Internet is about to get weird again. The perfect moment then, to bring... (https://paulrobertlloyd.com/2024/032/a1/indiewebcamp_brighton/)

Loqi [m.chronosaur.us/@karen] Calling all fellow #indieweb #wordpress users…I just finished setting up my new site (self hosted) and am interested in composing my posts in #Markdown instead of HTML. A cursory search for a Markdown post editor only turns up Jetpack - which I’d rather not have due to the... (https://m.chronosaur.us/@karen/111858148325773450)

gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Loqi [m.tzyl.eu/@ton] @karen I write my posts in Markdown and then post them to WordPress through #indieweb micropub. I run a small local php script triggered by a hotkey that knows where blogdrafts might be found and sends them to wordpress, after converting them to html. It's not markdown editing in... (https://m.tzyl.eu/@ton/111858580117235686)

Loqi [catcatnya.com/@bsfami] #introduction #reintroduction hi, i'm fami, you may know me from other instancesi have follow requests on to make sure nobody suspicious/bots try to follow me. have some posts, bio, profile pic and it will be okay. please interact beforehand so i know where did you find me.i make... (https://catcatnya.com/@bsfami/111856580352430257)