#stream 2024-03-13

2024-03-13 UTC
What I created while remotely participating at #IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024: wiki-gardened day 1’s BarCamp sessions notes pages, and documented my @-mention @-@-mention autolinking coding improvements I built the Sunday before.... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/2024/072/t1/created-at-indiewebcamp-brighton)
Nailed the Loqi summary 🙌
[tantek.com] What I created while remotely participating at #IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024: wiki-gardened day 1’s BarCamp sessions notes pages, and documented my @-mention @-@-mention autolinking coding improvements I built the Sunday before.... (http://tantek.com/2024/072/t1/created-at-indiewebcamp-brighton)
Loqi and [contact898] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@inautilo] #Business #Anniversaries Marking the web’s 35th birthday · A call for reforming the web to prioritize user rights https://ilo.im/15y8y8 _____ #Web #OpenLetter #Movement #WebCommunity #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #WebEcosystem #WebTechnology #Development #WebDev (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/112087106908388220)
[tantek], [Murray], [KevinMarks], [Tilley], [snarfed], [aciccarello], IWSlackGateway, [qubyte], [capjamesg], [Ros], [contact898] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@inautilo] #Business #Anniversaries Marking the web’s 35th birthday · A call for reforming the web to prioritize user rights https://ilo.im/15y8y8 _____ #Web #OpenLetter #Movement #WebCommunity #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #WebEcosystem #WebTechnology #Development #WebDev (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/112087657452200215)
gRegor, [Ana_R], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [Scout], [lcs] and [Murray] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@jcolag] On my blog: Trying on the Indie Web, Part 1 https://john.colagioia.net/blog/2024/03/13/indieweb-1.html - The start of an irregular series where I explore the Indie Web technologies. #blog #indieweb #programming #techtips (https://mastodon.social/@jcolag/112088187072221793)
看起来WebSu … 看起来WebSub和IndieBlock插件已经配合得很良好了。我在Monocle界面给post点赞后,就被传入、储存为了一条规范的IndieBlock like记录欸 #IndieWeb #WordPress https://sanguok.com/notes/05d8a5b9e5/ (https://sanguok.com/notes/05d8a5b9e5/)
[social.lol/@triptych] Own Your Web – Issue 11: Welcome to the IndieWeb • Buttondown https://buttondown.email/ownyourweb/archive/issue-11/ #smallweb #indieweb (https://social.lol/@triptych/112088616352559737)
synth and [qubyte] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@chronosaurus] Also - I spent most of yesterday sprucing up my #blog design! Went with the newer Norrsken #WordPress theme from Anders Noren, whose themes have to be some of my favorites.... (https://indieweb.social/@chronosaurus/112088715877522303)
[mastodon.social/@yashasolutions] impact on the indie web is measured in meaningful interactions with real people... (https://mastodon.social/@yashasolutions/112088917801123861)
After a long time, I reinstalled IndieWeb’s WordPress plug-in – Simple Location. It turned out that it automatically added all the posts to the geographical location of my current location. This is obviously unreasonable, because these posts are written in different places.... (https://sanguok.com/en/notes/bc22025a18/)
时隔蛮久重新装回IndieWeb的WordPress插件——Simple […] #IndieWeb #WordPress https://sanguok.com/notes/bc22025a18/ (https://sanguok.com/notes/bc22025a18/)
[tantek], gRegor and [dominik] joined the channel
[stefanbohacek.online/@stefan] Why don't you have a personal website? #website #PersonalWebsite #indieweb #poll I do! Too expensive Too complicated Nothing to put there Don't have the time Not interested Something else? (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/112089576884146559)
[snarfed], [capjamesg], [Joao_Paulo_Pes], [KevinMarks] and to2ds joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@leeperry] I've been testing out Scribbles for the last few days. Here's my thoughts on why, what I think so far, and which I might (and might not) use it for. #indieweb #posse https://scribbles.page/lee/posts/on-scribbles-vudfx9fb (https://indieweb.social/@leeperry/112090701675750615)
[dmv.community/@jcrabapple] A #blogroll sorted by recent activity! https://blogroll.social/ #indieweb (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112090628504928954)
[mastodon.social/@rscottjones] I was chatting with a buddy last night about dating apps, which I haven’t had to negotiate in quite some time. Sounds like they haven’t improved.... (https://mastodon.social/@rscottjones/112090857695276459)
alezz joined the channel