#stream 2024-03-15

2024-03-15 UTC
[social.lol/@nfd] I just launched my new #Eleventy website! 🫣🎈 Feels like just the start, no doubt I'll be tinkering and tweaking forever. #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Neocities https://daught.me (https://social.lol/@nfd/112096772969681766)
[social.lol/@nfd] I did blog post about switching from Squarespace. #Eleventy #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Neocities https://daught.me/blog/2024/indie-web/ (https://social.lol/@nfd/112096796039012047)
[indieweb.social/@bobmonsour] Who could possibly forget the wonders of Apple's iWeb website builder? The amazing thing about the web is its stability. Just take a look at the source code under the hood of this site. Not pretty, but it still works. It just keeps on ticking. It chronicles our relocation from NJ... (https://indieweb.social/@bobmonsour/112096841205099007)
[indieweb.social/@bobmonsour] And check out these lighthouse scores for the home page. It may be slow, but it's relatively accessible and findable. #web #indieweb #not11ty (https://indieweb.social/@bobmonsour/112096853618886864)
[social.lol/@cory] 🔗: Welcome to the IndieWeb #Tech #IndieWeb https://matthiasott.com/notes/welcome-to-the-indieweb (https://social.lol/@cory/112097265271157716)
[social.coop/@hollie] (2/2)...and check it out, and it's...very nerdy.... (https://social.coop/@hollie/112097421024459680)
[octodon.social/@aulia] Once I’m done with this report I need to figure out how to set up a POSSE on my WordPress site. #indieweb (https://octodon.social/@aulia/112097475103251197)
[eilloh.net] Someone just posted a link to an IndieWeb article by a guy who is very big with IndieWeb folks, and I get why, I follow him too. But he talks about how there’s “some” truth to the idea that IndieWeb isn’t accessible to non-nerds, and that’s why we need more things like... (https://eilloh.net/2024/03/14/someone-just-posted.html)
[pkm.social/@pd] This weekend’s #indieweb tinkering on the #jekyll site: - adding #IndieAuth - adding #WebMentions Wish me luck. (https://pkm.social/@pd/112098499260116012)
[vis.social/@nrchtct] RSSMy all-time favorite RSS reader is NetNewsWire by @brentsimmons!... (https://vis.social/@nrchtct/112098469078948308)
[doubleloop.net] Read: Reframing and simplifying the idea of how to keep a Zettelkasten... (https://doubleloop.net/2024/03/14/2024-03-14/)
to2ds, [pfefferle], [contact898] and gRegor joined the channel
[mastodon.online/@mauricerenck] I put together a list of all the website directories I know by now. You can submit your own personal website to them and of course find other cool sites: https://maurice-renck.de/blog/2024/website-directories #openweb #indieweb #directory #PersonalSites (https://mastodon.online/@mauricerenck/112099731241476400)
[hachyderm.io/@byjp] @casraf @brentsimmons Oh nice! I’d definitely be interested in seeing MicroSub supported too; it’s a relatively new protocol, but it’s super interesting and deeply connected with the #IndieWeb movement! https://indieweb.org/Microsub (https://hachyderm.io/@byjp/112099966611417832)
[dmv.community/@jcrabapple] Link Drop - March 15, 2024 - Cool As Heck https://cool-as-heck.blog/posts/link-drop-march-15-2024 #indieweb #linkdrop (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112100143170141739)
to2ds, [Murray], [Joe_Crawford], [Scout], [Tilley] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[social.lol/@nfd] #Webmention might be the next thing I want to get setup on my site… 🤔 https://rknight.me/blog/adding-webmentions-to-your-site/ #Eleventy #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Neocities (https://social.lol/@nfd/112100711243089366)
[jeremycherfas], [tantek], [dominik], gRegor and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[phpc.social/@adele] Any candidates to try this brand-new static sites hosting platform ? https://pages.casa/ Yes, I need a logo for it ! This 🏠 is just 🤢 😅 I accept your proposition 😘 #indieweb #smolweb #smallweb (https://phpc.social/@adele/112100951362095976)
[stefanbohacek.online/@stefan] Hey, if you have a few minutes, I'd appreciate help making some examples of simple personal web pages made with https://simplepagebuilder.app that I can feature on the site.... (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/112101011731503904)
angelo, [Paul_Robert_Ll], to2ds, [qubyte], [campegg] and [bjoern] joined the channel
[social.ctrlz.es/@mgdelacroix] @trinux @AbsluteBeginner yo creo que hay espacio para navegadores más sencillos, e iniciativas tipo #indieWeb / #webSencilla e incluso protocolos como #gopher y #gemini, pero necesitamos una alternativa a Chrome para hacer trámites en el Ministerio de turno o tener una... (https://social.ctrlz.es/@mgdelacroix/112101357499019717)
[social.lol/@cory] 🔗: The “IndieWeb” feels like coming home #Tech #IndieWeb #WebDev https://daught.me/blog/2024/indie-web/ (https://social.lol/@cory/112101358457864897)
[Fran] joined the channel
[mamot.fr/@nhoizey] 🔗 “Links Worth Sharing” by @matthiasott #IndieWeb ⚓️ https://nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2024/03/15/links-worth-sharing/ (https://mamot.fr/@nhoizey/112101403865941672)
[mastodon.social/@inautilo] #Business #Anniversairies RSS was released 25 years ago today · Born on March 15, 1999, and still alive and kicking https://ilo.im/15y9wc _____ #RSS #Newsfeed #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #Website #Blog #Content #Development #WebDev #Frontend (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/112101553907877774)
[mas.to/@Quinn9282] The #RSS protocol launched 25 years ago today on March 15, 1999! ...And it's still cruising on to this day! 😁 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS #Indieweb #SmallWeb #Blogs (https://mas.to/@Quinn9282/112101589639289157)
[indieweb.social/@immarisabel] I have my first guestbook entry! From a real visitor! Not a spammer! (blocked 3 Russian ips by now) ❤️ She made my evening 😭. #indieweb #smallweb (https://indieweb.social/@immarisabel/112101712248682641)