#stream 2024-03-24
2024-03-24 UTC
to2ds and [tantek] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.social/@inautilo] #Business #Pitfalls
The creator economy trap · Why building on someone else’s platform is a dead end https://ilo.im/15ybw3
#SocialMedia #CreatorEconomy #IndieEconomy #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Website #Blog #Development #WebDev #Frontend (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/112148212675916978)

Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] soupault
#indieweb #blogging #HTML (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112148026606063980)

to2ds, claudinec_away and [aciccarello] joined the channel
to2ds joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.world/@hamatti] In this episode of What the Jam, @mikeneu and I talked about personal web, indie web, static site generators and the improvements in tooling.... (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/112149763095185684)

Loqi [mamot.fr/@nhoizey] 🔗 “Links Worth Sharing” by @matthiasott
⚓️ https://nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2024/03/15/links-worth-sharing/ (https://mamot.fr/@nhoizey/112150240922827681)

[qubyte] and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
Loqi [lentil.social/@legume] "Don't be afraid to dive into the technical side of things. Embrace the learning curve. Revel in the challenges. Because the more you know, the more power you have. And in the indie economy, knowledge isn't power - it's independence."... (https://lentil.social/@legume/112150847659050904)

Loqi [indieweb.social/@leeperry] In my weekly update I talk about writing weekly updates, my future plans for using Scribbles, web hosting, and the indieWeb more generally, my wife's adventure at the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital.... (https://indieweb.social/@leeperry/112150971478232853)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@indieaisle] Do you send out email updates?
#SmallWeb #indieweb #email (https://mastodon.social/@indieaisle/112151305697330469)

macram_ joined the channel; macram_ left the channel
Loqi [zirk.us/@brood] i cannot keep fighting these goddamn robots. i mean i know it is the modern condition to fight fucking robots.
#indieweb (https://zirk.us/@brood/112151541529867247)

Loqi [shellsharks.social/@shellsharks] Regenerating my #introduction post on the new instance:... (https://shellsharks.social/@shellsharks/112152115430884730)

[snarfed] and [Joao_Paulo_Pes] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.online/@jlsksr] I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week until I don't. So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 10: Lost Letters https://lostletters.neocities.org/
#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage (https://mastodon.online/@jlsksr/112152395521845383)

Loqi [toot.lqdev.tech/@lqdev] Introducing the 100 Sways Project #microsoft #sway #indieweb https://www.luisquintanilla.me/feed/introducing-100-sways-project?utm_medium=feed (https://toot.lqdev.tech/@lqdev/112152851309323970)

[tantek] ^ capjamesg! inspired by your post, see: https://www.luisquintanilla.me/feed/introducing-100-sways-project

[tantek] > This project was inspired by https://jamesg.blog/ https://jamesg.blog/2024/02/19/personal-website-ideas/.

Loqi [twit.social/@rlounsbury] Okay, starting my journey with #indieweb and finally have my Micro.blog instance setup and tied it to https//micro.lounsbury.me for posting. ... (https://twit.social/@rlounsbury/112153303792818179)