#stream 2024-03-25
2024-03-25 UTC
[tantek], x0 and [contact898] joined the channel
Loqi [tantek.com] https://www.threads.net/@0xjessel/post/Cvu7-42PVpC
Previously: https://tantek.com/2023/234/t1/threads-supports-indieweb-rel-me
#microformats #relme #fediverse #Threads (http://tantek.com/2024/083/t1/rel-me-identity-verification)

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Loqi [mas.to/@CSSence] @nhoizey @matthiasott Many years ago, my Notes¹ section (back then unfavorably called Gossip) distinguished between Opinions and Bookmarks. The latter indicated the primary content of a note was a link. Somewhere along the line I've merged the two subsections. Having read... (https://mas.to/@CSSence/112156215643247504)

[lcs] joined the channel
Loqi [indieweb.social/@mikegrindle] My shoebox page is now "live" at https://mikegrindle.com/shoebox
I also wrote a #blog post about the concept and the appeal:
#smallweb #neocities #indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@mikegrindle/112156458881534905)

[Erik] joined the channel
Loqi [fedi.andrlik.org/@daniel] So I tried to set up support for webmentions on my Hugo website. When I test locally using `hugo server` with the remy/webmention tool recommended by webmention.app, it accurately detects h-cards and what should be webmentions. BUT after hugo deploys to the CloudFront/S3 SSL... (https://fedi.andrlik.org/@daniel/112156649929247487)

Loqi [doubleloop.net] We watched Soul again.... (https://doubleloop.net/2024/03/24/2024-03-24/)

[Paul_Robert_Ll] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Loqi [fedi.andrlik.org/@daniel] Turns out this was because Hugo was doing it's own gzip compression instead of my server handling that. Turned off Hugo's compression and it finally works! #indieweb (https://fedi.andrlik.org/@daniel/112157205894212761)

Loqi [social.coop/@hollie] This resonated with me so much! I love the #IndieWeb but there's so much out of reach for regular non-tech folks, and the emphasis on these "features" without any acknowledgement of the learning curve, or how simply unnecessary some of these side quest are, was hugely... (https://social.coop/@hollie/112157558463233571)

Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] I officially switched my personal blog https://cool-as-heck.blog over to Scribbles from Pika. Here's why:
#indieweb #blogging #scribbles (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112157826871860688)

[qubyte] joined the channel
Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] If you were previously subscribed to my blog https://cool-as-heck.blog RSS feed, the new feed URL is:
#indieweb #blogging #RSS (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112158101675234647)

Loqi [paquita.masto.host/@senda] Como somos bastantes interesados en hacer #webSencilla #indieweb y en general recuperar los sitios personales, he pensado aprovechar la inercia del fin de semana y crear una sala en XMPP, por si os apetece (se agradecen boosts)... (https://paquita.masto.host/@senda/112158102792340427)

MihajloPi joined the channel