#stream 2024-06-15

2024-06-15 UTC
barnaby, whitesided and [marksuth] joined the channel
[@inautilo] #Business #Approaches A fresh look at blogrolls · “We can use them to bootstrap a new kind of social network.” https://ilo.im/15z5ww _____ #SocialMedia #Connection #SmallWeb #IndieWeb #Website #Blog #Blogroll #Blog (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/112620401931268526)
[@weirdwriter] Popular Facebook posts. https://robertkingett.com/posts/6582/ #NoPaywall #Blog #Blogs #IndieWeb #SmallWeb (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/112620577864127577)
[@jcrabapple] I've updated my #Junited2024 post to highlight "Tech is cool; business is boring" by Justin Pot, about being excited for the technology itself, but not so excited about it being ruined by the business of big tech.... (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112620909850387594)
[tw2113], [schmarty], [qubyte] and [dave] joined the channel
[@fohrloop] I'm evaluating different ways to enable commenting on a static website. Bumped into webmentions which seem cool. But how do you filter out spam? #webmention #webmentions #staticpages #indieweb (https://fosstodon.org/@fohrloop/112622546927394272)
[@leeperry] I've updated my '1987' Hugo template to work Kirby CMS, getting it up and running on my site. 🔖 #kirbyCMS #indieWeb https://lee-perry.co.uk/notes/1987-theme (https://mastodon.scot/@leeperry/112622693151234146)
[@knowler] I decided to pause webmentions for my site. I don’t think I’ve received a single webmention that’s not like me adding them manually. It’s a shame that you effectively need a webmention scraping service if you want webmentions on your site. It’s really the opposite how... (https://sunny.garden/@knowler/112622893309881123)
Either people complain about spam or they complain about not getting (enough)
[martymcgui.re] Are you a member of the 🕸️💍 IndieWeb Webring? Perhaps one of many who have been confused to discover that member sites are not automatically removed when the webring links disappear from their site?... (https://martymcgui.re/2024/06/15/gardening-an-indieweb-webring/)