#stream 2024-06-16

2024-06-16 UTC
claudinec, [Joe_Crawford], gRegor, graysonarts[d], carbo and susam joined the channel; susam left the channel
[@alexture] Towards a homemade web (roundup)... (https://todon.eu/@alexture/112626315256180306)
barnaby and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[@RDK] Week 12. Mentioning WWDC, included my one blog post and two link posts I posted this week and finished reading Indie Microblogging by @manton https://justtext.net/weeknotes/12/ #a11y #accessibility #blogging #weekNotes #indieWeb (https://pkm.social/@RDK/112627128935771975)
[Jo] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/tags/webmention] Cross referencing two documents by establishing a bi-directional link, indirectly mediated via #Hypothesis.... (https://degrowth.social/@yala/112628230070707888)
ptramo[d] and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[@sb] We (the #fediverse, #indieweb, etc) should build a "everything you need to know" #wiki. ... (https://fed.sbcloud.cc/@sb/112628699055495536)
[@mario] I added a #links section to my website with links to interesting things I read or watched recently https://www.mariosangiorgio.com/links/2024-06-16/ #indieweb (https://hachyderm.io/@mario/112628826254602147)
[@owta] Looking for feedback on the current state of the OWTS-01 #specification (Guidelines for Open Web Technologies) as well as the certification process and tiers.... (https://mastodon.social/@owta/112628782387674790)
barnaby joined the channel