#stream 2024-07-03
2024-07-03 UTC
_fluffy, [0x3b0b] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Loqi [@foxbutt] its still a work in progress but i made a very simple comment section for my https://videos.ofafox.com/ site and i plan to expand it to my games site and maybe more as well.... (https://gulp.cafe/@foxbutt/112720173597748153)

[0x3b0b], [jeremycherfas] and [lcs] joined the channel
Loqi [@hamatti] What a cool idea by @alex to use GitHub Actions and Playwright to automatically take a screenshot of a website on a regular basis and store them in a git repository.... (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/112722010895758236)

Loqi [@jcrabapple] 5 Underrated Sleep Token Songs I Think You Should Check Out
#music #indieweb #smallweb (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112722362872424062)

Loqi I am an non-Mastodon user so I feel like using the Mastodon icon would be misleading. Otherwise, I been looking at Fediverse icon to use for my blog so I can link my social media links. What do you think and if you are not fond, what would be better icons to say "I am using... (https://blahaj.zone/notes/9v9b1yjawedq08wd)

Loqi [@jcrabapple] 5 Songs I Think You Should Check Out Right Now
#music #indieweb #smallweb (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112722696874044888)

Loqi [@hamatti] I'm a big fan of other people's /now pages but haven't created mine yet because I've had so many open questions to figure out.
To get one step closer, I took some time to scope my upcoming /now page.
#blogging #IndieWeb #SlashPages (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/112723170995159707)

srijan joined the channel
Loqi [@OddDev] Please don't hype #Ladybird. There is #servo that needs the attention!
@servo (servo.org)
#Web #browser #indieWeb (https://floss.social/@OddDev/112723488012838414)

Loqi [@acarson] New #indieweb trick on my part: I'm using Pocket to store the things I'm reading that aren't books, and I've set up an IFTTT recipe to post a read to my site whenever I save something new to Pocket. It seems to be the most accessible way of doing this. I tried with Inoreader, but... (https://babka.social/@acarson/112723622884518353)

Loqi New #indieweb trick on my part: I'm using Pocket to store the things I'm reading that aren't books, and I've set up an IFTTT recipe to post a read to my site whenever I save something new to Pocket. It seems to be the most accessible way of doing this. I tried with Inoreader, but... (https://acarson.wtf/new-indieweb-trick-on-my-part-im-using-pocket-to/)

Loqi [@omnivore] Our community member, Riiku, dove into a research rabbit hole and returned to tell us what he found about using Omnivore with alternative search engines.
#opensource #omnivoreapp #productivity #search #indieweb (https://pkm.social/@omnivore/112723828699221113)

Loqi Pocket is a bookmarking and reading site and service (formerly Read It Later) owned by Mozilla https://indieweb.org/Pocket

[tantek] Pocket << Example of [[PESOS]] setup to automatically create [[read]] posts when items are added to Pocket: https://babka.social/@acarson/112723622884518353

Loqi ok, I added "Example of [[PESOS]] setup to automatically create [[read]] posts when items are added to Pocket: https://babka.social/@acarson/112723622884518353" to the "See Also" section of /Pocket https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=96051&oldid=79769

[qubyte] joined the channel
Loqi [@sol2070] Um blog BR ótimo que descobri:
#indieweb (https://bolha.us/@sol2070/112724231482217158)

[bneil] and barnaby joined the channel
Loqi [@janboddez] Maybe one day any URI can represent a Fediverse actor.... (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/112724559206107674)

barnaby and [capjamesg] joined the channel