Loqi[@inanace] And I just enabled #webmentions on my site.
So to respond on your own website, enter the URL of your response which should contain a link to this post's permalink URL. Your response will then appear (possibly after moderation) on my page like a comment.
#indieweb (https://djs.social/@inanace/112784005958439325)
Loqi[@justincox] Does a subscription wall to prevent AI scraping break the open web? How is it possible to preserve the open web without having creative work stolen?
#IndieWeb #Blogging #AskMastodon (https://social.lol/@justincox/112784828018128140)
Loqi[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] I think it's about time I made some banner(s) for my website since I added a links-page
#indieweb #personalblog #frontent #personalwebsite (https://indieweb.social/@mdohr07/112785182622454010)
thegr8whoopdini[, dissolve22[d] and barnaby joined the channel