#stream 2024-07-15

2024-07-15 UTC
aaronpk joined the channel
[@clhenrick] And here's a short blog post on why I decided to migrate from #Jekyll to #Eleventy as well as my experience with it, in case you're interested: #webdev #blogging #11ty #frontend #indieweb https://clhenrick.io/blog/eleventy-migration-and-redesign/ (https://indieweb.social/@clhenrick/112788650681840434)
srijan, DJ_[dj_je][d], hidjy[d] and barnaby joined the channel
[@philomath] 📝 Week Notes, No. 2024.28 | And So It Goes… https://krueger.ink/week-notes-no-202428/ #WeekNotes #Blogging #IndieWeb (https://social.lol/@philomath/112790314520113674)
claudinec_away, barnaby, barnabywalters, [0x3b0b] and gRegor joined the channel
[@BlindiRL] My weekly #blog recap is up, changing some rules on my stream and talking about shorts and other silly content creator things. #indieweb https://www.blindirl.com/july-15-24/ (https://mas.to/@BlindiRL/112792316214192404)
barnaby, IWSlackGateway, [gRegorLove], to2ds and [tantek] joined the channel