#stream 2024-07-19

2024-07-19 UTC
#IndieWeb #EdubloguesHá também um outro tipo de ensino, que aparentemente não é baseado nesta transmissão autoritária, mas que também impede o pensamento crítico do aluno. Neste caso, ressoam nas salas de aula mais as canções das crianças do que os reais desafios da... (https://fed.sfl.pro.br/display/e5ca8dd2-1966-99aa-ed84-713586478054)
[aciccarello], claudinec and [Otto_Rask] joined the channel
[@mro] Hi @ticky, awesome, indeed there is but one reliable service provider, yourself. The platforms distracted us from how easy that is. Seize agency and have your own webspace! https://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI #Indieweb #POSSE (https://digitalcourage.social/@mro/112811815016395749)
[@mauro] This afternoon I’m headed to Peckham digital. Anyone else going? #indieWeb #peckhamdigital #london #uk (https://mograph.social/@mauro/112812587213261738)
[@lfa] I hate those sites with only titles into their RSS. C'mon guys I use RSS to not have to visit every single site to see if your post interests me or not. Putting at least a summary is not going to hurt anyone.... (https://hostux.social/@lfa/112812905447922140)
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
#Indieweb #blogues Sobre os vários tipos de notícias falsas (ou com meia-verdades), as populares fakenews... ab78.cc/fake_news.html (https://fed.sfl.pro.br/display/e5ca8dd2-4366-9a78-c050-245805322926)
More on IndieBlocks Webmention... (https://nicksimson.com/notes/105156585a/)
[schmarty] joined the channel
[@readbeanicecream] New Site Updates! | The RSS Review... (https://mastodon.social/@readbeanicecream/112813985602586982)
[@riewarden] Todo for moving away from proprietary dependence for my media:... (https://zirk.us/@riewarden/112814135735459585)
Guest7467 joined the channel
[@voxpelli] @plexus I would say that the #IndieWeb is doing a pretty good job (https://mastodon.social/@voxpelli/112814489663067739)
gRegor joined the channel
One of the main questions I’m trying to answer right now is: “Can We Distribute effectively do both? Can we be a publishing platform that’s also doing all of its social media from the same place?”... (https://social.wedistribute.org/objects/78a46ee2-0f96-42de-9dc8-db9547512fe9)
[@zakb] In a rabbit hole: https://zakb.micro.blog/2024/07/20/in-a-rabbit.html #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #SmolWeb #Blogging (https://mastodon.nz/@zakb/112815503270460091)
[@zyzzyxdonta] I bought a domain... I guess I need to start a blog now 👀 #IndieWeb #SmallWeb (https://social.tchncs.de/@zyzzyxdonta/112815527621851754)