#stream 2024-07-20

2024-07-20 UTC
yo and [morganm] joined the channel
[@hamatti] I'm a home cook software developer.... (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/112818101005036285)
[@readbeanicecream] @Fury Dead Internet Theory was once a fringe idea, but now it seems that it is being ushered in by #bigtech . This why we need #smallweb and #indieweb #tech #technology #socialmedia #deadinternettheory (https://mastodon.social/@readbeanicecream/112818910114480467)
Loqi joined the channel
[@donthatedontkill] New blog post: "More dreams" at https://www.mycabinetofcuriosities.com/articles/more-dreams/ #articles #dreams #blog #post #indieweb #syndication #posse (https://mastodon.social/@donthatedontkill/112819686367212339)
Just learned that Monocle’s preview tool still favors activity+json over mf2+html.... (https://jan.boddez.net/notes/4015df21f6)
[@donthatedontkill] New blog post: "More dreams" at https://www.mycabinetofcuriosities.com/articles/more-dreams/ #articles #dreams #blog #post #indieweb #syndication #posse (https://mastodon.social/@donthatedontkill/112819716902118363)
[@trey] Added per-user timezone support to @blazehorse. I continue to refine this kit and always use it for new #Django projects 😁 https://github.com/piepworks/blaze-starter/releases/tag/v2.6.0 #IndieWeb (https://indieweb.social/@trey/112820050803024172)
[@alx] As a visual designer I shouldn't be saying it but @pluralistic just reminded me how much I loved MySpace and how my young adult obsessive creative personality was constantly changing and shuffling stuff combined with my passion for punk zines and comics in my profile. It was so... (https://mastodon.design/@alx/112820133704141400)
[@reillypascal] As I'm teaching myself programming, I'm finding I really like building the kinds of software discussed here. I'm glad to see people talking about this kind of approach.... (https://hachyderm.io/@reillypascal/112820379525006413)
gRegor joined the channel
[@KentNavalesi] It's sad that like 90% of #indieweb blogs are #tech -focused. Had the internet developed slightly differently, I bet every #humanities scholar would have a delightfully idiosyncratic personal site. #smolweb #smallweb #bloggingcommunity #socialmedia @academicchatter #academia (https://mstdn.social/@KentNavalesi/112820566223043293)
[lifeofpablo] joined the channel
[@donthatedontkill] Well my little IndieWeb, one-person hackathon has come to its end. I'm happy with the work I've done. The ability to post status updates directly to the site from my phone, syndicate then to mastodon, write blog posts, all marked up in microformats, receiving web mentions, h... (https://mastodon.social/@donthatedontkill/112821287308402311)
gRegor, _ms_boba[d], _capjamesg[d], [0x3b0b], capjamesg[d] and ms_boba[d] joined the channel