#stream 2024-07-21

2024-07-21 UTC
jarema joined the channel
[@weirdwriter] Not quite sure who you were asking but even though my static site guide is for screen reader users, you can still get a lot out of it https://robertkingett.com/posts/6529/ #IndieWeb #StaticSiteGenerator #WebDev@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space @TheCube (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/112821977806608073)
[@strypey] "'People are being more nostalgic about the early web', [Andrew Smales] said, 'and part of me feels like maybe in five or 10 years that might be a thing. I think it's probably too early now, but if somebody revived LiveJournal, I could see old web making a comeback.'.... (https://mastodon.nzoss.nz/@strypey/112822530511708927)
[@evert] Dear #indieweb, I switched my #Website to Github Pages in 2013 from a custom PHP site.... (https://indieweb.social/@evert/112822742036410132)
[@byjp] @evert I’m getting a lot of runway from self-hosting! Even a raspberry pi zero can handle most #indieweb site traffic, is very cheap to run, and you can use Tailscale or Cloudflare to keep your home network’s IP hidden.... (https://hachyderm.io/@byjp/112823613563777157)
barnabywalters joined the channel
[@mihobu] I posted to my blog! Lots of Little Things (Weeknotes #24-29) #Weeknotes #IndieWeb https://mihobu.lol/2024/07/weeknotes-week-29-2024 (https://social.lol/@mihobu/112824371471421673)
[@tinsmith] I've been trying out a lot of the tools on this Codeberg and as a noob, I am really impressed with what is going on in this #indieweb #smolweb #smallweb space. For those of you also just joining this movement, check some of these out! ... (https://indieweb.social/@tinsmith/112824637685856624)
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[@weirdwriter] Anyone know of a search engine that looks for lengthy blog posts? Not AI generated padding either but something like @feedle but it displays very lengthy blog posts from the search Result? I’m talking, with an estimated read time of 45 minutes or longer. I am that person that... (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/112825125133128686)
TheJoshMuller joined the channel
Have you heard about our lord and saviour, WebMention? I am on a mission to spread the holy word of WebMention (and the great prophet Matthias Pfefferle) to as many non-technical bloggers as possible because WebMention makes blogs 210% better. #blogging #IndieWeb #WebMention (https://node.lordmatt.co.uk/2024/07/21/posts/me/have-you-heard-about-our-lord-and-saviour-webmention/)
[morganm] joined the channel