#stream 2024-07-25

2024-07-25 UTC
[KevinMarks], [tw2113], [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
[@eatallyourdarlings] finished noodling (for now) on a tiny browser tool to dither images in two colours, forked from @eli_oat :] I added a few features like colour picking to make it extra cute.... (https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@eatallyourdarlings/112846352014339200)
[@eatallyourdarlings] I’d like to share with you: ~yearn~ my first web poem. it’s sombre, dissonant and non-linear code-as-art. lots of big thoughts in a few vulnerable words. find it at https://orf.place/works/#words ~ #ditherpunk #webpoetry #poetry #codeart #smallweb #indieweb (https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@eatallyourdarlings/112846396841562236)
[schmarty] and [manton] joined the channel
[manton.org] Evan Prodromou in a post on Mastodon:... (https://www.manton.org/2024/07/25/evan-prodromou-in.html)
[@arne] ✨ Another personal website redesign ↳ Back to Rebond Grotesque ↳ New navigation ↳ New dark mode, solely based on inverted light mode colors ↳ New /blog index ↳ New /book-reviews index #buildInPublic #indieWeb (https://spezi.social/@arne/112848073063417619)
barnabywalters joined the channel
[@arne] 🐣 Easter egg: Hover or tap the avatar to change the face 😛😁 #buildInPublic #indieWeb (https://spezi.social/@arne/112848176212883392)
What is this? Another blog so soon?... (https://ibe.social/notes/9w55noivvr)
[schmarty], barnaby, [tantek], _fluffy, capjamesg, jimw, capjamesg[d], Soni, sknebel, GWG, pcarrier, Zegnat, DJ_[dj_je][d], IWDiscord, solislupus[d], hidjy[d], srijan, aaronpk, dissolve22[d], thegr8whoopdini[, sisoma_new[d], ptramo[d], IWSlackGateway1, [manton]1, [snarfed]1, [KevinMarks]1 and [tw2113]1 joined the channel
[@weirdwriter] It's honestly starting to get to the point where I view anything with #Privacy as a marketing feature is just a quick way to get our data so they can turn around and sell our data later because we believed them. So, I'm just like, fuck it. Tech was a mistake. I stick to the... (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/112848639039804344)
[@brittcoxon] I've been getting back into blogging recently and decided to take part in the #indieweb carnival. This months topic was tools. I decided to write about the best creative tools I have: https://britthub.co.uk/what-is-best-tool/ (https://mastodon.art/@brittcoxon/112849370204954970)
[@josh] Please join me in supporting the work of @thisismissem and become a recurring donor: https://support.thisismissem.social/... (https://josh.tel/@josh/112849681938648024)