#stream 2024-07-26

2024-07-26 UTC
[@weirdwriter] Fiction podcasts with Disabled characters. https://robertkingett.com/posts/6603/ #NoPayWall #IndieWeb #Blog #Blogs (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/112850208125513127)
Guest9429, [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
[@the_cheis] Nuevo post: Hypnotize (2005), de System of a Down #musica #rock #numetal #indieweb #blog #enmiblog https://thecheis.com/2024/07/26/hypnotize-2005-de-system-of-a-down/ (https://mstdn.social/@the_cheis/112851696589256458)
[@mihobu] I posted to my blog! The Kindle Scribe #ProductReview #IndieWeb https://mihobu.lol/2024/07/the-kindle-scribe (https://social.lol/@mihobu/112852877491401356)
[@amalgam_] Tiny awards! The award for tiny personal websites. Vote for your favorite small website that is just joyful and happy. https://tinyawards.net/ #indieweb #web (https://mastodon.social/@amalgam_/112852831111335971)
#Quotes #Indieweb19. — Controle seus insumos. Não apenas o que você come e bebe (ainda que isso tenha um grande impacto), controle o que você lê, o que você vê, o que você ouve, quais notificações você permite no seu telefone, onde você gasta seu tempo, com quem... (https://fed.sfl.pro.br/display/e5ca8dd2-8566-a3a8-8eba-bda245775768)
[manton.org] ActivityPub folks: I’ve posted FEP-eb22 to document supported features in NodeInfo, so that clients and servers can better communicate about what to show in a client UI. Would love your thoughts on it. There’s some overlap with other FEPs but those seem stalled and not quite... (https://www.manton.org/2024/07/26/activitypub-folks-ive.html)
[manton.org] To be honest, the Ghost ActivityPub emails are both exciting and a little bit painful for me to read. Ghost is a popular platform and it is definitely a good thing to support an open standard. But also, I did most of this same work 6 years ago, without the jokes and pug artwork.... (https://www.manton.org/2024/07/26/to-be-honest.html)
[manton.org] Elena Rossini has a blog post walking through the compatibility between Mastodon and Pixelfed specifically, and also more generally with Mastodon API clients like Phanpy and Ivory:... (https://www.manton.org/2024/07/26/elena-rossini-has.html)
[@sia] I just learned that if you set a canonical link on a newsletter in ButtonDown the archive actually redirects to that page instead. This is quite nifty for the #IndieWeb folks. (https://front-end.social/@sia/112853456253761093)
[tantek] and gRegor joined the channel
[@acarson] Spending part of the afternoon playing with shortcuts to do more #indieweb stuff from my phone. Because I'm really over the computer and my desk. (https://babka.social/@acarson/112853988903869829)
#Futebol #Fluminense #IndieWeb #BlogueE eu vos digo que o melhor time é o Fluminense. Podem os fatos provarem o contrário. Só que dessa vez, nem os fatos ousaram contestar o tamanho e peso que esse escudo aqui tem. E se quiser saber o futuro do Fluminense, basta você olhar... (https://fed.sfl.pro.br/display/e5ca8dd2-1866-a3d9-9850-6b2938931403)
Spending part of the afternoon playing with shortcuts to do more #indieweb stuff from my phone. Because I'm really over the computer and my desk. Also on: babka.social (https://acarson.wtf/2024/07/26/spending-part-of-the-afternoon-playing-with-shortcuts-to-do/)
[@booters] Back in March I scanned through a terabyte of old geocities sites with the goal of finding *all* the 88x31 buttons. Recently, I realised that I didn't scan for all the geocities subsites (e.g. de.geocities.com, br.geocities.com, etc). I've fixed that mistake and have added 1.8k... (https://kolektiva.social/@booters/112854181281088015)
cautiously clicks on that
what is 88x31
Buttons are badges, logos, and banners that you can use to link to indieweb.org and related sites & technologies, and similar images for a handful of sites similarly aligned in principles or development approaches https://indieweb.org/88x31
welp looks like today is the day for an 88x31 page
[@lordmatt] I think of https://openmentions.com as the #IndieWeb equivalent of hashtags for content. Especially #blogs. (https://mastodon.social/@lordmatt/112855065550395936)
[schmarty]1 joined the channel
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] [Carl Sullivan at Flipboard]"Flipboard has worked with local papers and websites since its inception. Now, as part of the gradual federation of our platform, we’re bringing some of those publications to the fediverse."Flipboard turns the fediverse on for a whopping 64 US-based... (https://werd.io/2024/flipboard-brings-local-news-to-the-fediverse)
[@weirdwriter] If you liked Fiction podcasts with Disabled characters. my feed URL is https://robertkingett.com/feed/ #RSS #IndieWeb #SmallWeb (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/112855406413569538)