#stream 2024-10-21
2024-10-21 UTC
Loqi [@travissouthard] I added a #webring to my personal website! It's very much a list, but "done is better than perfect"
#webdev #indieweb #solarpunk (https://jawns.club/@travissouthard/113342897199835539)

Loqi [@mihobu] 🤖 I posted to my photography weblog.
#POTD #IndieWeb #photography
https://than-no.photo/potd-2024-10-21 (https://social.lol/@mihobu/113342941412102112)

Loqi [@ross] Ich habe für den Indieweb Karneval auf Deutsch geschrieben. Das Thema ist Mehrsprachigkeit im Web. Ich hoffe es ins Spanische übersetzen.
#Indieweb #IndiewebCarnival (https://social.rossabaker.com/@ross/113343626654569079)

Loqi [@nothingistrue] #Cooking #Reading #Zines #Empathy #Curiosity #SlowTravel #Octopi #Creativity #Feminism #IndustrialMusic #Punk #Art #Occult #Humanism #AntiCapitalism #AntiFacism #FuckTrump #FuckNazis #FuckSpotify #ClimateTech #Design #Film #Movies #IndieWeb #IndieMusic #Tacos #SonoranMexicanFood... (https://masto.ai/@nothingistrue/113343750126625791)

[Joschi_Kuphal] joined the channel
Loqi [@zkat] Reading through the #IndieWeb wiki to learn stuff and get inspired and I was feeling pretty good about it for a minute there but every time they show examples of folks doing their thing, it’s always dudes, and almost always white guys in particular. I keep looking for anyone... (https://toot.cat/@zkat/113343943207869288)

Loqi [@Themikina] @adastra While I only discovered #indieweb literally today and didn't have time to properly explore that rabbit hole, if you're looking for CMS for a static website with FTP only, I have been having great success with https://gohugo.io/ framework. Simple to use, can use .md files... (https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@Themikina/113344095089374869)

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Loqi [@moksh] added an emacs page to my site, because it is compulsory, an unbroken rule of the universe..
#emacs #untrusem #indieweb #smallweb (https://ieji.de/@moksh/113345579583948976)

Loqi [werd.io/profile/benwerd] [Samantha Lai and Yoel Roth at Tech Policy Press]"Decentralized social media platforms offer the promise of alternative governance structures that empower consumers and rebuild social media on a foundation of trust. However, over two years after Elon Musk’s acquisition of... (https://werd.io/2024/online-safety-and-the-great-decentralization-the-perils-and-promises)

Loqi [@countablenewt] You can't have an open web that is both entirely free and has no ads, that's not how this works
#indieweb #technology #socialmedia #fediverse #openweb (https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113346000236307453)

marcocevoli joined the channel
Loqi [@countablenewt] You can't have an open web that is both entirely free and has no ads, that's not how this works
#indieweb #technology #socialmedia #fediverse #openweb (https://mastodon.social/@countablenewt/113346028178318353)

Loqi [@philomath] China Lights 2024: A Photo Post | And So It Goes… https://krueger.ink/china-lights-2024-a-photo-post/
#Blog #IndieWeb #ChinaLights #Photography (https://social.lol/@philomath/113346489669948686)

Loqi [@artlung] There will be an #IndieWeb Camp in #SanDiego in December 2024. We would love to have you join or spread the word to folks with their own personal websites looking to do more with them! https://events.indieweb.org/2024/12/indiewebcamp-san-diego-2024-7C9aq9A4Zv9m #SmallWeb #SlowWeb (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/113346478121804248)

[aciccarello] joined the channel
Loqi [@alesroubicek] As I mentioned in previous toots, I updated my website to a new, lighter theme. Then I added the ability to switch themes and font stacks, so users can choose what is their preferred way to experience my site. Today I wrote a blog post about the process and techniques I used.... (https://indieweb.social/@alesroubicek/113346566941842915)

gRegor and to2ds joined the channel
Loqi [@jlsksr] I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 27: Nathan's Toasty Technology page http://toastytech.com/... (https://mastodon.online/@jlsksr/113346961421339960)

Loqi [@lordmatt] @zkat In which case, you might be interested in my last "WebMention sites" list from March. These are all in some way a bit #IndieWeb.... (https://mastodon.social/@lordmatt/113347025190276830)

Loqi [@cidney] Ruby Environment Sunk Costs, or why I haven't updated my Jekyll static website in a while. In bonus points, I did have two failed builds before it actually deployed to my server. Not sure it's worth rebuilding, though. #webdev #indieweb ... (https://social.city-of-glass.net/@cidney/113347006263667285)

[Ros] joined the channel
Loqi [@cidney] My personal website frustrates me.... (https://social.city-of-glass.net/@cidney/113347350775392784)

Loqi [@skadi] Site bem bacaninha que tem um index de sites pessoais para te ajudar a encontrar pessoas.
Seu site deve ter 3 páginas diferentes: /ideas, /about and /now para ser corretamente indexado (ler manifesto).
Fica a dica!
#indieweb #website (https://bolha.us/@skadi/113347430255525142)

Loqi [indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Hello, indie web dot social, I’m Sam! I have built a few websites and apps and such and I figured I would make an account here to connect with more people!... (https://indieweb.social/@countablenewt/113347570885943521)

Loqi [@artlung] Here's your regular reminder that I run Blog of the .Day and I welcome #IndieWeb, #SmallWeb, #SlowWeb enthusiasts to submit their blogs if they feel moved to! https://blogofthe.day (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/113347599479127457)

to2ds joined the channel
Loqi [@diegopds] Semanário 42 (2024)
#Semanario #Semanario2024S42 #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #SurfandoWeb #CuradoriaDaInternet (https://bolha.us/@diegopds/113347853094188120)

kiko joined the channel
Loqi [@countablenewt] Here's a fun little update to my personal site: all of the mockups on it now respect dark/light mode settings for your actual device!
#indieweb #openweb #technology (https://mastodon.social/@countablenewt/113347971841068739)

Loqi [indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Here's a fun little update to my personal site: all of the mockups on it now respect dark/light mode settings for your actual device!
#indieweb #openweb #technology (https://indieweb.social/@countablenewt/113347972887654024)

Loqi [@countablenewt] Here's a fun little update to my personal site: all of the mockups on it now respect dark/light mode settings for your actual device!
#indieweb #openweb #technology (https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113347967972364087)