#stream 2024-10-21

2024-10-21 UTC
[@travissouthard] I added a #webring to my personal website! It's very much a list, but "done is better than perfect" https://travissouthard.com/blog/building-the-web-i-want-to-see.html #webdev #indieweb #solarpunk (https://jawns.club/@travissouthard/113342897199835539)
[@mihobu] 🤖 I posted to my photography weblog. #POTD #IndieWeb #photography https://than-no.photo/potd-2024-10-21 (https://social.lol/@mihobu/113342941412102112)
[@ross] Ich habe für den Indieweb Karneval auf Deutsch geschrieben. Das Thema ist Mehrsprachigkeit im Web. Ich hoffe es ins Spanische übersetzen. https://rossabaker.com/blog/mehrsprachigkeit_im_globalen_web/ #Indieweb #IndiewebCarnival (https://social.rossabaker.com/@ross/113343626654569079)
[@nothingistrue] #Cooking #Reading #Zines #Empathy #Curiosity #SlowTravel #Octopi #Creativity #Feminism #IndustrialMusic #Punk #Art #Occult #Humanism #AntiCapitalism #AntiFacism #FuckTrump #FuckNazis #FuckSpotify #ClimateTech #Design #Film #Movies #IndieWeb #IndieMusic #Tacos #SonoranMexicanFood... (https://masto.ai/@nothingistrue/113343750126625791)
[Joschi_Kuphal] joined the channel
^ all the hashtags lol
[@zkat] Reading through the #IndieWeb wiki to learn stuff and get inspired and I was feeling pretty good about it for a minute there but every time they show examples of folks doing their thing, it’s always dudes, and almost always white guys in particular. I keep looking for anyone... (https://toot.cat/@zkat/113343943207869288)
[@Themikina] @adastra While I only discovered #indieweb literally today and didn't have time to properly explore that rabbit hole, if you're looking for CMS for a static website with FTP only, I have been having great success with https://gohugo.io/ framework. Simple to use, can use .md files... (https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@Themikina/113344095089374869)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[@moksh] added an emacs page to my site, because it is compulsory, an unbroken rule of the universe.. https://moksh.codeberg.page/emacs.html #emacs #untrusem #indieweb #smallweb (https://ieji.de/@moksh/113345579583948976)
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] [Samantha Lai and Yoel Roth at Tech Policy Press]"Decentralized social media platforms offer the promise of alternative governance structures that empower consumers and rebuild social media on a foundation of trust. However, over two years after Elon Musk’s acquisition of... (https://werd.io/2024/online-safety-and-the-great-decentralization-the-perils-and-promises)
[@countablenewt] You can't have an open web that is both entirely free and has no ads, that's not how this works #indieweb #technology #socialmedia #fediverse #openweb (https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113346000236307453)
We have free parks, libraries, drinking fountains, public toilets all without ads. This is how this works
Not really free tho, that's what taxes are for
marcocevoli joined the channel
[@countablenewt] You can't have an open web that is both entirely free and has no ads, that's not how this works #indieweb #technology #socialmedia #fediverse #openweb (https://mastodon.social/@countablenewt/113346028178318353)
Free to users is what it means in context, which is the same as ads for users
I think "free" to most people means when they get the thing, they don't have to pay
so the whole "not really free, bc taxes" is not really true
these things are also municipal or at best state funded, so when you travel to a different city, they are 100% free to you
You can have a web without ads where users don’t pay. Web hosting is basically free of charge.
[@philomath] China Lights 2024: A Photo Post | And So It Goes… https://krueger.ink/china-lights-2024-a-photo-post/ #Blog #IndieWeb #ChinaLights #Photography (https://social.lol/@philomath/113346489669948686)
[@artlung] There will be an #IndieWeb Camp in #SanDiego in December 2024. We would love to have you join or spread the word to folks with their own personal websites looking to do more with them! https://events.indieweb.org/2024/12/indiewebcamp-san-diego-2024-7C9aq9A4Zv9m #SmallWeb #SlowWeb (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/113346478121804248)
[Joe_Crawford]++ nicely done!
[Joe_Crawford] has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (95 in all channels)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[@alesroubicek] As I mentioned in previous toots, I updated my website to a new, lighter theme. Then I added the ability to switch themes and font stacks, so users can choose what is their preferred way to experience my site. Today I wrote a blog post about the process and techniques I used.... (https://indieweb.social/@alesroubicek/113346566941842915)
gRegor and to2ds joined the channel
Wait, there are ad-supported public toilets?
Guessing the most common ad would be air freshener 😁
In Los Angeles, the public toilets (and other "street furniture" like bus shelters and benches) are usually part of a contract that allows the company to sell advertising on the installed units.
That makes sense.
For some odd reason, the first thing that came to mind was a video display in a user stall which felt kind of creepy 😁
to2ds no, not in SF at least. the public toilets do not have ads (and any posted flyers get taken down)
always felt like there was an opportunity for ad-sponsored free toilet paper however
it's like those coupons on newsprint you get in the mail but more useful
I mean heck, with election season, I'm surprised folks aren't doing it as a funny take on negative campaigning. put the face of your opponent on toilet paper with some slogan about "flushing", give it away for free
seriously, here in America, there are much more ridiculous things. why doesn't this exist?
We definitely need some lighthearted humor this season.
[@jlsksr] I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 27: Nathan's Toasty Technology page http://toastytech.com/... (https://mastodon.online/@jlsksr/113346961421339960)
[@lordmatt] @zkat In which case, you might be interested in my last "WebMention sites" list from March. These are all in some way a bit #IndieWeb.... (https://mastodon.social/@lordmatt/113347025190276830)
[@cidney] Ruby Environment Sunk Costs, or why I haven't updated my Jekyll static website in a while. In bonus points, I did have two failed builds before it actually deployed to my server. Not sure it's worth rebuilding, though. #webdev #indieweb ... (https://social.city-of-glass.net/@cidney/113347006263667285)
[Ros] joined the channel
[@cidney] My personal website frustrates me.... (https://social.city-of-glass.net/@cidney/113347350775392784)
[@skadi] Site bem bacaninha que tem um index de sites pessoais para te ajudar a encontrar pessoas. Seu site deve ter 3 páginas diferentes: /ideas, /about and /now para ser corretamente indexado (ler manifesto). Fica a dica! https://aboutideasnow.com #indieweb #website (https://bolha.us/@skadi/113347430255525142)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Hello, indie web dot social, I’m Sam! I have built a few websites and apps and such and I figured I would make an account here to connect with more people!... (https://indieweb.social/@countablenewt/113347570885943521)
[@artlung] Here's your regular reminder that I run Blog of the .Day and I welcome #IndieWeb, #SmallWeb, #SlowWeb enthusiasts to submit their blogs if they feel moved to! https://blogofthe.day (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/113347599479127457)
to2ds joined the channel
[@diegopds] Semanário 42 (2024) https://curadoria.bearblog.dev/semanario-42-2024/ #Semanario #Semanario2024S42 #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #SurfandoWeb #CuradoriaDaInternet (https://bolha.us/@diegopds/113347853094188120)
kiko joined the channel
[@countablenewt] Here's a fun little update to my personal site: all of the mockups on it now respect dark/light mode settings for your actual device! #indieweb #openweb #technology (https://mastodon.social/@countablenewt/113347971841068739)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Here's a fun little update to my personal site: all of the mockups on it now respect dark/light mode settings for your actual device! #indieweb #openweb #technology (https://indieweb.social/@countablenewt/113347972887654024)
[@countablenewt] Here's a fun little update to my personal site: all of the mockups on it now respect dark/light mode settings for your actual device! #indieweb #openweb #technology (https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113347967972364087)