#stream 2024-10-22

2024-10-22 UTC
Hi joined the channel
[mattl] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (27 in all channels)
[aciccarello], [qubyte] and ACG joined the channel
[@the_cheis] Nuevo post: Ambient 2 (1980), de Harold Budd y Brian Eno #musica #ambient #electronica #minimalismo #indieweb #blog #enmiblog https://thecheis.com/2024/10/22/ambient-2-1980-harold-budd-y-brian-eno/ (https://mstdn.social/@the_cheis/113349979798346159)
barnabywalters and srijan joined the channel
srijan joined the channel
[@mihobu] 🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web! #Weeknotes #IndieWeb https://mihobu.lol/weeknotes-week-42-2024 (https://social.lol/@mihobu/113350958895013765)
[@stefan] And maybe not* part of the #indieweb, but the 88x31px buttons are pretty neat, I have to find a way to incorporate those somehow.... (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/113351410459345941)
ACG, [schmarty], lazcorp, sebbu and kiko joined the channel
88x31 buttons are 100% IndieWeb
lazcorp joined the channel
what is 88x31
88x31 pixels was a very popular web badge/button image size in the 1990s, especially among freewheeling and independent sites created on services like GeoCities, and there are IndieWeb 88x31 badges you may use https://indieweb.org/88x31
[mattl] but proposing a new .well-known for them is a poorly conceived solution
Oh yeah, that seems like a lot.
literally the solution to 88x31 button discovery is <link rel="icon" sizes="88x31" href="classicbutton.png" />
going to put that in brainstorming / how to
[@ananas] @MarkAssPandi #indieweb let's gooo (https://mstdn.social/@ananas/113353033689681091)
[@KentNavalesi] Make ripples through time and space by writing: Documenting your experiences, knowledge and learnings can have a big positive impact to others - including the future you. https://hamatti.org/posts/make-ripples-through-time-and-space-by-writing/ #blogging #indieweb #smallweb (https://mstdn.social/@KentNavalesi/113353001646378439)
angelo joined the channel
[@TheIdOfAlan] time to make the codes. live on stream. working on my static site generator: neopoligen. proceeding with a refactor designed to make templates easier to work with and enhance. #rust #LiveStreaming #IndieWeb https://www.twitch.tv/theidofalan (https://hachyderm.io/@TheIdOfAlan/113353122577941432)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] So the reason I’m learning #swiftui, #react, AND #jetpackcompose is specifically so these aren’t all the same codebase... (https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113353346919512229)
[@sundeck] Trying out solid icons (vs just outlines) on the site this evening. I like the feel of it so far. Thoughts? #IndieWeb (https://mastodon.art/@sundeck/113353368636404413)
[Murray] joined the channel