#stream 2024-10-23
2024-10-23 UTC
[Murray], [qubyte] and Travis1 joined the channel
Loqi [@ross] Ich habe den mehrsprachigen Hugo gelernt, und habe ich jetzt eine persönliche Website auf Deutsch!
#Hugo #Indieweb (https://social.rossabaker.com/@ross/113354560056348065)

Loqi [@ross] Arcane Indieweb conundrumI usually practice PESOS, synchronizing Mastodon and other silos to my site. But whenever I promote my original site content, it's effectively POSSE: published own site first, syndicate elsewhere. Problem is, by doing both, my feed effectively has... (https://social.rossabaker.com/@ross/113354845924216247)

IWSlackGateway, [Murray] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Loqi [@alesroubicek] When I started the work on the refresh of my site the previous weekend, I realized how much work I have to do twice just because I have two systems. My ultimate goal is to have Gryphoon as a seamless extension to Blendid with watches and reloading. But even today's work makes my... (https://indieweb.social/@alesroubicek/113355263029072658)

Loqi [@jalict] Adjecent, I have been considering what I could do to take ownership of my own data on various services. Getting various scrapers and APIs monitors up and running that can get data from other services I use and populate my website with them. ... (https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@jalict/113356412417348260)

Loqi [@TheIdOfAlan] I don't want to revolutionize the web
I want to throw a revolution *on* the web
#IndieWeb (https://hachyderm.io/@TheIdOfAlan/113356960765235075)

Loqi [manton.org] The background queue for ActivityPub-related tasks in Micro.blog seems to have accumulated 5 million jobs overnight. Some replies to the fediverse will be delayed until I sort out what happened or it eventually catches up. (https://www.manton.org/2024/10/23/the-background-queue.html)

Loqi [@philomath] 🚗 Seattle to Spokane in a VW Rabbit | And So It Goes… https://krueger.ink/seattle-to-spokane-in-a-vw-rabbit/
#Blog #Roadtrip #IndieWeb (https://social.lol/@philomath/113357443982957152)

sebbu and [morganm] joined the channel
Loqi using this opportunity to make an #introduction again... (https://nederland.gay/objects/e9e047d8-9e83-4f9e-8274-e4a19f1a2808)

Loqi [@Dtl] Re-uploaded my old AD9850 DDS driving article to my website. It's a bit dated now (originally written 2012) but still works.
#electronics #indieweb (https://mastodon.social/@Dtl/113358790994399361)

lazcorp joined the channel
Loqi [manton.org] Glass houses, throwing stones, etc. I gripe about ActivityPub’s chattiness but just fixed a bug that caused way too many activities to be sent out for some posts in external feeds, as if they had been edited. Need better tools to peer into the system to see what it’s actually... (https://www.manton.org/2024/10/23/glass-houses-throwing.html)

Loqi [@Newmy] @gordita What I'm looking for is the other way around: I want to post on my blog, have it syndicate out to social networks, and here's the important part: Long posts link back to the blog, short posts do not.... (https://writing.exchange/@Newmy/113359012689847954)

to2ds joined the channel