#stream 2025-01-13
2025-01-13 UTC
# Loqi [@WeirdWriter] A series of posts on why the right wing likes the indie web, or small web, as it were and how they are taking advantage of the indieweb to push hate.... (https://caneandable.social/@WeirdWriter/113818153631402970)
# Loqi [@guites] Nesse sentido o mais avançado parece ser o https://atabook.org/
Vi também umas paradas que tu bota que dá pra visualizar o mouse de quem mais estiver online ao mesmo tempo na página.
Será que existem outras coisas?
#indieWeb (https://bolha.us/@guites/113818578769518446)
# Loqi [werd.io/profile/benwerd] [Social Web Foundation]... (https://werd.io/2025/content-policy-on-the-social-web)
# Loqi [@alesroubicek] My list of articles worth of reading https://w3blogy.cz/ has now author attribution, abstract and tags. Every article from my Feedly feed is enhanced with semantic data extracted from the page. I have many layers of fallbacks to get the best data I can. #indieweb #semanticweb (https://indieweb.social/@alesroubicek/113819462328102072)
# Loqi ð Eight years ago today, the #IndieWeb Webmention protocol was published as a W3C REC https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/As a social web building block, #Webmention was designed to work with various other building blocks. Small pieces, loosely joined. Every year developers find... (https://tantek.com/2025/012/t1/eight-years-webmention)
# Loqi 🎉 Eight years ago today, the #IndieWeb Webmention protocol was published as a W3C REC https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/2025/012/t1/eight-years-webmention)
# Loqi [tantek.com] 🎉 Eight years ago today, the #IndieWeb Webmention protocol was published as a W3C REC https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/... (http://tantek.com/2025/012/t1/eight-years-webmention)
scattershot and [qubyte] joined the channel
# Loqi [mastodon.social/tags/webmentions] Turning myself into a goblin asking himself what other goblins would like in a social media archive has so far been fungal. ... (https://mastodon.mariobreskic.de/@mario/113820613008466413)
# Loqi [mastodon.social/tags/webmentions] I really like this little tool I’ve built: it collects all relevant posts from my most active social media accounts in one place, so that fellow goblins can just chill out in it. Comments and #webmentions are also active, so there is always room for goblin notes and scratches... (https://mastodon.mariobreskic.de/@mario/113820724426683425)
# Loqi [@qxoko] I love full-width websites, I love fixed width websites. I love flex galleries and I love grid galleries. I love plain websites and colourful websites. I love cool skeuomorphic design elements and I love plain, bog-standard webpages. I love clever and loose tag-based navigation... (https://mastodon.social/@qxoko/113820961860516074)
# Loqi [werd.io/profile/benwerd] [Mastodon]... (https://werd.io/2025/the-people-should-own-the-town-square)
scattershot joined the channel
# Loqi [werd.io/profile/benwerd] [Free Our Feeds]... (https://werd.io/2025/free-our-feeds)
# Loqi [mastodon.social/tags/webmentions] Spent most of the day on the frontend of my website. Happy so far. You can check it out here: https://mariobreskic.de/... (https://mastodon.mariobreskic.de/@mario/113821707258259583)
# Loqi [@jsstaedtler] Back to filling in earlier years on my online gallery. New drawings get shoved in there regularly, but until now I had only uploaded everything as old as 2020 (and then a random assortment of drawings going back to the '90s). Now I'm working on 2019! It looks like that's when... (https://mastodon.art/@jsstaedtler/113821705547400745)
[Murray] and [mike579] joined the channel
# Loqi [@AndySocial] The Mastodon instance I'm on, #IndieWeb, has reacted to the #Threads moderation reduction announcement by limiting the discoverability of Threads on IndieWeb. Essentially, if you choose to follow a Threads user's federated output, cool. But nobody is going to stumble on any... (https://indieweb.social/@AndySocial/113821899391451681)
# Loqi [manton.org] With the increase in scrutiny around how Matt Mullenweg manages the WordPress project, some people have asked whether it’s a risk to invest in .blog, which is owned by Automattic, and in fact whether Micro.blog is online only at the whims of the mad king. I’m not worried.... (https://www.manton.org/2025/01/10/automattic-and-blog.html)
# Loqi [manton.org] Good morning, IndieWeb! We’ve got a meetup this Wednesday in Austin, at Radio Coffee & Beer. You can RSVP here or just show up. ☕️🍺 (https://www.manton.org/2025/01/13/good-morning-indieweb-weve-got.html)
corlaez joined the channel
# Loqi [@stefan] Made a big update to my old website version archive browser over the weekend. Pretty nice to see all the thumbnails!... (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/113821963075977168)
# Loqi [@diegopds] Semanário 02 (2025) - Pedalada Literária
#Semanario #Semanario2025S02 #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #SurfandoWeb #CuradoriaDaInternet #BlogsBR @blogsbr #blog (https://bolha.us/@diegopds/113822101871805779)
[aciccarello], aelaraji2, corlaez, barnaby and gRegor joined the channel
# Loqi [@tommi] https://slashpages.net is sweeeet!
It’s unfortunate that https://tommi.space/ only has two or three among the most common #SlashPages, so I now have #IndieWebFOMO, and I want to create them aalllllll!
#IndieWeb #Website #WebDev #WebFOMO #FOMO #Web (https://pan.rent/@tommi/113822726518998792)
sebbu2 and barnaby joined the channel
# Loqi [mastodon.social/tags/webmentions] Testing webmentions for my blog post about brewing ideas lazily:
#webmentions #test (https://mastodon.social/@shreyasprakash/113823448396620622)
[tw2113] joined the channel
# Loqi [@randomgeek] Bit by little wiggly bit, I'm getting #IndieWeb components back on the site. POSSE links are the easiest, though I did have to finish scrubbing out a few Twitter and Facebook links. (https://hackers.town/@randomgeek/113823672480020980)