#stream 2025-01-14

2025-01-14 UTC
[Joe_Crawford], sebbu, aaronpk and hidjy[d] joined the channel
[@travissouthard] Just learned about https://blamensir.neocities.org/ from @maya! An amazing website! Thanks for the recommendation! #indieweb (https://jawns.club/@travissouthard/113824380377015864)
[pfefferle] and corlaez joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel
[@mihobu] 🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web: Beautiful Bavaria #Weeknotes #IndieWeb https://mihobu.lol/weeknotes-week-02-2025 (https://social.lol/@mihobu/113826683105091130)
[Jo] and gRegor joined the channel
[manton.org] Do I brag too much or not enough? It occurred to me that Micro.blog might be on the only platform of its kind that has built-in support for exporting content in several different file formats. And multiple APIs to get your data out? JSON, XML-RPC, Micropub. Our commitment to... (https://www.manton.org/2025/01/12/it-occurred-to-me-today.html)
[@mauro] I finally managed to fix images' links in my personal website RSS feed, in #astro ... (https://mograph.social/@mauro/113827261237717984)
[pfefferle]1, [tantek]3, [Murray]1, [Joe_Crawford]1, [mike579]1, IWSlackGateway1, [aciccarello]1, aelaraji6, [aciccarello] and gRegor joined the channel
[@rick_d_freeman] https://slashpages.net/ What a fantastic list made by @robb ! It includes suggestions for standard pages to include on one's personal website. #indieweb (https://tacobelllabs.net/@rick_d_freeman/113828331796239591)
lol, great domain
"listen, this was just a bad joke that i bought the domain name for on a lark. it's a functional lark, though."
haha I thought it was tacobell labs but no it's taco belllabs 😂
sebbu2, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
likely why the trademark police have not pounced.
too small to bother with, from experience seeing discussions about the effort vs outcome of trademark reinforcement. also there is nothing "taco" or "tacobell" about the site so it's pretty innocuous.
[@robin] Hey fedi, anyone got some tips, war stories, or resources they can share regarding setting up #Pixelfed in a Docker container? #AskFedi #SelfHosting #IndieWeb (https://social.riley.pub/@robin/113828949054385500)
In the heyday of domain name pouncing I got a certified letter demanding cease and desist usage of within 10 days of registering (non-anonymously) crackerjackartist dot com for a friend.
sebbu2 joined the channel