#stream 2025-01-15
2025-01-15 UTC
sebbu3 and Dryusdan joined the channel
Weiz joined the channel
# Loqi [@subcultureofone] 5 Minute IndieWeb With Micro.one: https://subcultureofone.org/2025/01/12/minute-indieweb.html #IndieWeb (https://mastodon.social/@subcultureofone/113829788977286545)
# Loqi [@vhbelvadi] We’re halfway through January and there have been some excellent submissions to the #IndieWeb carnival.... (https://indieweb.social/@vhbelvadi/113830487041774618)
[morganm] and [schmarty] joined the channel
# Loqi [@miclgael] So I'm keeping track of number of dogs met during my outings. lol https://skate.michaelgale.dev/?v=pups#2025-01-15
#skateboarding #DogsOfMastodon #IndieWeb #HobbySite #Blogging #Agoraphobia #Outside (https://hachyderm.io/@miclgael/113830652810574083)
# Loqi [@hamatti] There are many good use cases for AI-based solutions.... (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/113830900201495457)
# Loqi [@artlung] Thursday will be Front End Study Hall #019 - https://events.indieweb.org/2025/01/front-end-study-hall-019-WjRE1WdPjK1v - we have a good time exploring #HTML and #CSS (and related tech!). If #FrontEnd things interest you, our informal study hall might be something you dig. Prior... (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/113830940532628962)
barnaby and Dryusdan joined the channel
# Loqi [@AuntyRed] The only way to use AI as a writing tool is if you have a bigger ego than the robot.
I wrote a blogpost about it
#ai #llm #writing #blog #indieweb (https://aus.social/@AuntyRed/113831695047069039)
[Scout] and [qubyte] joined the channel
# Loqi [@mihobu] 🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web:
It’s Time To Ditch My Old Report Cards
#Downsizing #IndieWeb
https://mihobu.lol/time-to-ditch-my-old-report-cards (https://social.lol/@mihobu/113832660353539589)
# Loqi [@stefan] We should be making more internet forums. Like with Discourse. Or more old school ones.
We need to invest in our communities and build new ones. That's how we get through the difficult times. Together.
#indieweb #community #internet #TheWeb #forum #discourse (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/113832714489450363)
# Loqi [@stefan] Speaking of online communities, is your personal website part of a webring?... (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/113832854783405116)
# Loqi [@ApisNecros] Finally, a new blog post! Inspired by @kev 's "Blog Questions Challenge", I followed suit and wrote up my answers to these eight questions. I loved these kinds of things back in the MySpace days. I've also tagged @shellsharks and a couple other to hopefully continue the trend :)... (https://ioc.exchange/@ApisNecros/113833409964078903)
aelaraji7, corlaez, carrvo[d] and capjamesg[d] joined the channel
# Loqi [@jsstaedtler] I'm really quite terrible at graphic design (I'm not even fit to sarcastically claim it's my passion), but I finally forced myself to make an 88x31 website button.... (https://mastodon.art/@jsstaedtler/113833854461744490)
gRegor, [Jo], sebbu and [develumpen] joined the channel
# Loqi [@shellsharks] It's been a while since I've published something I consider a "blog post" on my site. But thanks to @ApisNecros tossing over the "Blog Questions Challenge", this now exists --> https://shellsharks.com/get-to-know-my-blog... (https://malici.ous.computer/@shellsharks/statuses/01JHNWWGC4TD5PAE7BSW6PNV3R)
# Loqi [@kelson] Question: Is WebSub (formerly PubSubHubBub) still relevant these days? And if so, to what extent?
#IndieWeb #WebSub #PubSubHubBub (https://notes.kvibber.com/@kelson/statuses/01JHNYB4GT9ZR8YPHD8X9SR1CZ)
# Loqi [@shellsharks] New instance, new #introduction... (https://malici.ous.computer/@shellsharks/statuses/01JHNXYFK1M9MZNBT07QEJF1ZH)
# Loqi [@lalah] Capitalist social media is bad, but I will never be nostalgic for the "old web," since I actually remember what it was like. Websites were all slow and shitty, half of them would infect your computer with a virus, there were dead links and broken images everywhere. People were... (https://sakurajima.moe/@lalah/113833178481834122)