#stream 2025-01-16

2025-01-16 UTC
[@cemre] Link seals provide a quick soft-check utility for link health on your web spaces.... (https://mastodon.social/@cemre/113835046381902127)
[@cmdr_nova] Since I'm constantly writing right before midnight, I sometimes accidentally fugg up the timezone syncing, and then my blog posts don't automatically push to Mastodon.... (https://mkultra.monster/@cmdr_nova/113836318957810150)
jimw, thegr8whoopdini[, gRegor, gRegorLove_, [KevinMarks] and [Murray] joined the channel
[@vhbelvadi] Whoever started the blog questions challenge gave the #IndieWeb community a lot of interesting workflows and approaches to look at. Some of my favourites:... (https://indieweb.social/@vhbelvadi/113837504386622474)
[@inpc] Ok this is actually today's show! Now on demand and very soon on all good Podcast apps.... (https://go.mxtthxw.art/@inpc/statuses/01JHQCQRATZTWZDMW3YRXQVWTN)
[@PolyCat] New update to the JellyCat Cafe - Added Gusetbook - Added Links Page - Polished up the main page - General bug fixes and optimizations URL: https://jellycat.cafe #indieweb #PersonalSites #webdev (https://sunny.garden/@PolyCat/113838059703359264)
[@srfaudio] The point is: reality is always frustratingly more complex than we would like it to be. We’re in a complex capitalist system, where both literally and metaphorically, there is no free lunch. I don’t want it to stay like this, and nor should you. But making changes to these... (https://defcon.social/@srfaudio/113838547276687554)
[@shellsharks] I've seen many-a-person annoyed or otherwise dissatisfied by the fact that your posts on one Fedi instance don't move with you when you switch instances. (There's some obvious technical reasons for why this is the case that I'm not going to explain here.) This is why having your... (https://malici.ous.computer/@shellsharks/statuses/01JHQWD1F2RCRGZV4DQPK795M2)
^ getting it
gRegor, gRegorLove_, aelaraji9, sebbu2 and [fluffy] joined the channel
[@artlung] A terrific #IndieWeb #FrontEnd Study Hall. A great group of participants from around the planet with a wide variety of knowledge and experience. I learned today that the word "zine" is far far older than I realized. Oh, also lots of HTML and CSS ideas too. Great links in today's... (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/113840157835844742)
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (120 in all channels)
mondodaemon and max1 joined the channel