#wordpress 2017-06-24

2017-06-24 UTC
dougbeal|iOS and [miklb] joined the channel
any interest in a GH bot integration to show issues/PR for IndieWeb WP repos? I assume a Slack/GH bot would cross post to irc
I’d assume pfefferle and GWG could add their plugins to the channel too if wanted too.
I am fine right now
I will tell the room if I do something
miklb, glad to have a venue though
Also see you and pfefferle have been busy while I have been at the Summit
a little, yes
Great. Glad to see
I need to look in detail later
tantek, gRegorLove, dougbeal|iOS and [pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG i have seen a lot of duplicate mention in the last day, what is your experience?
[pfefferle]: Duplicate mentions?
perhaps a bug in the webmention plugin?
It's possible. Haven't gotten any. Do you have an example?
First I've seen it. I'll try to reproduce it in testing.
Multiple sites?
I can't see it on my blog and I saw some more sites, but can not remember where
[colinwalker] joined the channel
perhaps we open a bug to document the findings and links?
[asteres], sebsel, tantek, [miklb], [cleverdevil], [markmhendrickso, [apatters], [kevinmarks], dougbeal|mb1, [steed] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG: let me know when you are ready to test the location changes, I have swarm checkins to display ;)
dougbeal: My changes are all local now.
same. public by default is goal today.
[miklb]: I already built it
Last night. Global public or private by default setting
sweet. Let me know if you push a branch & I’ll switch to test. Also hope to add some more mapbox configs today so will want to try and keep up with your changes.
[miklb]: Keep an eye on the 'dev' branch in the repo
Lots of changes.
gwg has 1 karma in this channel (238 overall)
New endpoints, public by default, support for User, Comment, and Term location..
Not much on the front yet...but building the new back pieces so I can use them
you’ve been busy!
Yes. Just added more arguments to the map providers.
heh, you may just be scratching off my big itch for me today. Might need to find something else to work on ?
[miklb]: I'm not sure about how OwnMySwarm will work after this, but SImple Location will be much much better.
[miklb]: I could use your thoughts on something. In the last version, I redesigned the location metabox to popup. It still doesn't look good. I may go back to a non popup
sure. I’ve only been using the OYS so haven’t explored that interface much, but would eventually like to do some self checkins too.
[miklb]: Right now, you can only do location notes and such. But I'm getting there. I want to update..
I’ll grab the dev branch soon.
GWG++ for simple location changes
gwg has 2 karma in this channel (239 overall)
I also moved from reverse lookup via admin-ajax to via the REST endpoint infrastructure code.
GWG what is the exact name of the branch?
or have you not pushed it yet?
It is literally called dev
I have
Just pushed a few seconds ago
But I'm pushing every few minutes
cool. Had to re-fetch
Nothing major. Lots of little improvements that will pay off soon
[miklb]: If you want to add any issues/features/suggestions to the Github issues page, I have that up
I was able to Press This/Like on mobile safari: 10:03 <Loqi> [superfeedr] "Desirability: will the dog eat the
dogfood? Viability: will the dog hunt? Feasibility:
can we build the dog? Selfdogfood: the dog is
you. #indieweb" by Douglas Beal on 2017-06-24
[Douglas Beal] Desirability: will the dog eat the dogfood? Viability: will the dog hunt? Feasibility: can we build the dog? Selfdogfood: the dog is you. #i...
It put everything in the title, though :tear:
[johnallsopp], [steed], [peteforsyth], [jeanmacdonald], holden, [jimpick] and [mikecaulfield] joined the channel
I bought indiewp.com last night and was thinking about making into a “all things IndieWeb WordPress” listening to anomalily makes me think that could be viable.
miklb++ that sounds like a great idea
miklb has 1 karma in this channel (36 overall)
[anomalily] joined the channel
miklb Totally do that!!
[markmhendrickso and [apatters] joined the channel
Okay, while I was sitting here, I redesigned the override timezone button to match the ones above it.
[miklb] joined the channel
hmm. I seem to have broken my local nginx ssl
dougbeal|iOS and [pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG can we release a new version of the indieweb plugin? do you have something missing in the changelog?
miklb I am curious (indiewp.com)
pfefferle started out me last night wanting a test site for the IW WP plugins, then found myself buying that domain and then thought maybe could be used to announce plugin updates, share snippets of code, etc.
nice idea!
you can use the wapuu if you want ?
then I watched anomalily talk during intros, and hearing that there needs to be a better source than the wiki for Gen 2 users. So there we are ?
pfefferle I only made that comment because a low res version showed up in channel, and thought would be nice to have a quality image. I haven’t looked at the repo and original yet. No offense meant.
miklb no problem ?
just joking ?
i like the idea of an example blog that explains some plugins and shows examples of comments/likes/mentions...
but you can really use the wapuu until you have a logo!
right, and might as well do that with helpful information at same time.
let me know if you need some help with configuration and/or postings/content
perhaps we can use a themeswitcher so visitors can see different options
I’d definitely like it to be a community space, maybe extension of outreach club
miklb has 2 karma in this channel (37 overall)
just couldn’t pass up the domain ?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
GWG ah you are on the IndieWeb summit...
awesome! great to have you here [pfefferle] !
Can’t seem to figure out which room it is.
on vidyo I mean
but its really late... I hope I can follow a bit
[pfefferle]: ^^^ live feed!
added to the etherpad also
that's what I wanted to ask next... ?
[asteres] joined the channel
the webmention for comments is really hacky, mainly because of missing core features
that's why it is really not ready for core
I am not sure Jetpack is the best idea, because it is not really community driven
I agree with pfefferle 100%
who is to the left of cleverdevil ?
scott jenson
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
I think that's fair, pfefferle, but there is (some) history of things moving from Jetpack to core, once they show traction.
cleverdevil but Jetpack is by definition not independent and it would be really sad if this is the only/best way...
I'd definitely prefer things to go into core.
hmm. I might be out of the loop, but I’m hearing a lot of mention of “marketing” and “customers”.
GWG make sure everyone knows about indieweb-wordpress too
[miklb]: Just noticed this.
[miklb]: Scott is a marketing/UX guy
I really want Core to help make it possible to build what I want, not necessarily have it in Core
Specifically, hooks, filters, functions.
GWG totally agree with your last point!!!
Makes total sense.
WordPress session done?
[pfefferle]: Yes. I'm going into Events.
ok, then I think it's bed time for me ?
[pfefferle]: I'm hoping by the time you update Semantic Linkbacks to .org, I'll be able to display two properties I taught it to save to posts
Catch around tomorrow pfefferle
[pfefferle]: Syndication Links will already display rel-syndication links saved to comment meta by Semantic Linkbacks.
GWG the only part I am still struggeling is the debugging stuff
GWG thats why I asked about the indiedebugging
GWG Is there anything risky to release the debugging stuff? sql injections or stuff?
tantek joined the channel
[pfefferle]: The debugger I put in? It only activates if WP_DEBUG is set and requires a log in. No danger.
[pfefferle]: It's just a variable that outputs the results of the mf2 parsing.
Does it work with debugbar?
miklb not atm
[miklb]: It's just a query var. ?sldebug=URL or sldebug=form to generate a form to put your URL into
it's kind of a rest endpoint
miklb but good point...
[pfefferle]: I'd say remove the class and I'll put it in its own repo.
ok, give me one more sleep ?
still love the idea of a wordpress-indie-deb plugin
would also move my webmention debuggings to the plugin
i meant wordpress-indie-dev
[pfefferle]: Either way, if it is a stopping point, it isn't worth keeping where it is.
GWG can you please have a look at the indieweb plugin if you have some minutes
are there any missing changelogs or things you need to get in or is the wp-uf2 correct...
then we can release a new version of that too...
[pfefferle]: Not since my last update. I added everything
I'm looking for new UF2 plugin ideas.
What else it can try to do. But right now, the new design works.
have a nice indieday
good night ?
night night
[anomalily] and [miklb] joined the channel
[miklb]: Working on the location metabox in Simple Location if you have any ideas.
nothing I can think of, as I said, I’ve mostly only done OwnYourSwarm to this point
[miklb]: I'm getting rid of the popup
[cleverdevil], tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel