GWGI just want a solution. snarfed had to install a feature in Micropub to override Post Kinds on checkins as it doesn't support them. The problem being, based on the current design, it means I need to give him a PR to get that out if I ever do finish checkin work.
[miklb]that’s just going to be an on-going inherent problem as long as all of the plugins are developed individually without a master roadmap. It’s going to require a lot of communication and some give and take on all sides IMO.
[miklb]And the bonus of tackling such a hard problem now is it will make it easier for another dev to come along and build new tools to be interoperable.
[chrisaldrich]iirc @bjkraft was considering doing some update work on the WP websub plugin and pfefferle had lined him about his version which he'd updated a month ago.
[miklb]But that way I could build the theme I want to build, users wouldn’t have to use SFTP, just download a zip and upload through admin, and then get updates normally.
[miklb]technically could be used for a true IW installer that does auto-install/activate other plugins, but I understand the desire for the plugin to be in repo.