#wordpress 2017-06-26

2017-06-26 UTC
GWG++ for integrating bridgy signup into wordpress!
gwg has 3 karma in this channel (244 overall)
[chrisaldrich]: What are the 10?
ricmac joined the channel
Most of the list is at home. Lots of updated documentation though... I think I'm going to write an indieweb book for WordPress though....
ricmac, [jeanmacdonald], tantek and tantek_ joined the channel
I am trying to figure out what next
[miklb] joined the channel
I found the filter I need to add a radio buttons to image attachment screen to choose u-featured, u-photo or neither.
[miklb], for Microformats 2?
I was thinking it would be more useful in IndieWeb plugin. If you have a mf2 theme, you wouldn’t have the MF 2 plugin, but the image class would be useful still.
I made the Microformats 2 plugin able to coexist
coexist with?
Any theme
It doesn't call any functionality if the theme declares microformats 2 support
By the way, I was looking at the checkin property
that’s less a coexists and more a disables it sounds like.
I don’t think I knew to declare mf2 support in my personal theme.
miklb, the idea being a theme could use the classes inside itself
ricmac and [asteres] joined the channel
I’ll work on it as a standalone plugin for now and I opened an issue to discuss best home for it on the IndieWeb plugin issues. https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb/issues/71
[miklb] #71 MF2 image support
ricmac joined the channel
and by standalone plugin I probably really mean just sticking the code in my theme’s functions file.
We were discussing why so many things start as separate plugins
The question was why not branches.
yeah, I have no plan to release it as a standalone, just not sure which plugin to branch off of.
Can I ask a quick favor?
Can you look at the dev branch of Simple Location and tell me if the new location meta box is easy to follow? Still playing with it.
I looked at it earlier today, and noticed it moved and if you click details you get an extended set if fields. Anything new? That seemed logical to me.
miklb, no. I think it is better than the pop-up
So, next is check-in
ricmac joined the channel
what are you thinking there?
I want to display the property and then I'll work on the rest.
There are a few questions on how I've thought of.
ricmac joined the channel
can a plugin provide a template for post-kinds? Could simple-location offer an advanced template and keep the one in the plugin generalized?
[miklb]: I was thinking of both.
Post Kinds will handle URL checkins and Simple Location will handle 'local' check-ins and map display.
tantek joined the channel
well, it’s been a long day for me, safe travels and good night.
Onward to NRT/MNL
ricmac, dougbeal|iOS, tantek and [pfefferle] joined the channel
!tell GWG "We were discussing why so many things start as separate plugins" can you make an example?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
oh... no loqi?
ah, there he is ?
ricmac, [cleverdevil] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
pfefferle, I explained my opinion. Where else would you start something until it was mature enough?
GWG: [pfefferle] left you a message 44 minutes ago: "We were discussing why so many things start as separate plugins" can you make an example?
[markmhendrickso, ricmac and [pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG are you referencing the discussion I attended remotely?
GWG btw. this was not meant offensive in any way! only curious... and perhaps some misinterpretations because of language...
ricmac joined the channel
GWG perhaps we should document that branch/feature-plugin discussion on the WordPress wiki page
ricmac and [apatters] joined the channel
Was just testing today and the issue I experienced yesterday with thumbnails getting attached to posts syndicated from my blog to FB is still present.
Still super new to everything, but thinking about what we discussed yesterday, could it be because the post author info on Independent Publisher's single post template isn't an hCard? Someone suggested a lack of an hCard might be the issue yesterday.
[apatters] A rough sketch for an Indieweb plugin UX update http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/6f59d6d0e764122279116308b751511f?s=100&d=mm&r=g
And there's Loqi repro'ing the bug ?
I can log a Github issue on Independent Publisher for this, but am trying to get some certainty that the issue is actually with IP before I do it
[grantcodes] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
how does the post look like in facebook and what tool do you use to post to facebook... I ask, because facebook does not support microfortmats at all...
...but you are right with the missing h-card and this may cause problems when sending webmentions, to other indieweb sites...
ricmac and [pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG we should re-think the comment-metas... either we switch the semantic-linkbacks to mf2_* or we use a more generic one like indie_*
GWG using mf2_* and semantic_linkbacks_* is to much overhead I think
[pfefferle]: I'd go with mf2 because of the adoption
There is a way to have requests for the old properties redirected to the new and vice versa.
[miklb] joined the channel
Doesn't micropub set mf2_* ?
[miklb]: It does. So does Post Kinds, Syndication Links..
[apatters] joined the channel
pfefferle I'm using Bridgy to syndicate to Facebook. The thumbnail appears directly under the text of the post.
pfefferle if you have any thoughts on this I'd love your opinion https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb/issues/71
[miklb] #71 MF2 image support
Something is definitely marking photo as a top level property there
IT should be nested
ricmac joined the channel
Excuse me...clicked the wrong line
The theme needs its h-cards deduplicated
There are three h-cards on the page.
Definitely need to see if I can do a PR. None of them wrap around the image, which is the perfect h-card
Bridgy is picking up more than one h-card for that post, and ends up including one of them in the body of the post when it syndicates to FB? Do I understand that correctly?
[apatters]: There is more than one h-card in the page. There should't be.
I'll see what I can do about a PR. I was going to send some one of these days anyway for other things.
dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
Oh yeah I see them. One in the page's main <header> and then two at the top and bottom of the article.
Thanks @GWG!
So, for a bit of context, when I set up the theme I uploaded my photo and some text for the site description, and then I also set up a Gravatar attached to the user account that I made the posts under, and gave it the same photo. Without the Gravatar the single post template was showing a stick man. So it looks like it might be pulling both of those things
[markmhendrickso joined the channel
[apatters]: We don't have enough MF2 themes. We need to make sure the ones we have work well
Why are they implemented in a theme as opposed to a plugin?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[apatters]: Style is the job of a theme
[chrisaldrich]: I'm going to be doing PRs to Independent Publisher. Any thoughts?
tantek and ricmac joined the channel
@GWG I thought microformats were intended to standardize semantic metadata about a piece of content. And then it is up to whoever consumes that metadata to style as they wish.
So the theme is the consumer and should own the styling, but not sure about it being responsible for authoring.
apatters also, there are some limitations as to what a plugin can do due to limitations by core. Though, recent improvements in the mf2 parsers where mf2 properties take precedence over older mf1 I think will improve what can be done in a plugin
I intend to put it to the test by using the mf2 plugin with a core theme this week.
[apatters]: the key is to discourage use of mf2 for styling, as use of "hentry" (mf1) for styling from core is what has caused a lot of backcompat problems
miklb, when I suggested that additional places to add classes be built in, it didn't get traction
miklb I see. What does your plugin do, does it hook into wp's save post action and add markup?
GWG in core?
I wanted a standardized e-content filter
apatters no, the mf2 plugin in the indieweb repo uses filters.
GWG maybe that’s something @bjkraft can help get some traction on.
miklb, I need to write a patch to get real consideration, I think
miklb Why doesn't it save the mf2 markup along with the object? Just curious
apatters I don’t follow
Which object?
So microformats allow me to designate semantic meaning to a post right? E.g. that it is a quotation or something?
Yes. But how does a plug-in know the structure of a theme?
Ah, so here was how I actually had assumed it worked: suppose you want to post an event. Some plugin/theme code throws up a metabox in your post editor with various microformats to select from, one is the event format. When you save your post the markup for that microformat is written along with it.
You could do that without the theme ever knowing or caring about microformats, I think, though there might be other drawbacks.
ricmac joined the channel
it’s saving properties as postmeta not the markup.
You just explained how the Post Kinds plug-in works
post-kinds uses templates with the mf2 and pulls in the postmeta for appropriate type. Themes can over ride those templates
Does the Post Kinds plugin use microformat for all those post types?
Got it
Webmentions and microformats seem like the sort of things to me which should be in the wp core
But the issue is that some things are hard coded by the theme so therefore can't be modified outside of it.
Amen to that
core does have mf1. The problem there is that a lot of theme devs used those classes for styling (bad!) so last I read, core was hesitant to change that up (sad!)
good summary [miklb]
There has to be a compromise
If mf1 classes were used for styling, why won't mf2 classes be used for the same purpose? Even if it's a bad practice, it's probably tempting to do
Biggest hope is for 4.0 because I think they are aiming for some other breaking changes
And this is WP. 20% of the internet or whatever
Big target
Someone's gonna do it (thousands of someones)
apatters well, I don't think a mf3 is in works any time soon ?
Too late for mf2 to include a namespace in the classnames I guess. e.g. mf2-h-event
[apatters] because 1 we mistakenly encouraged people to use mf1 classes for styling (have since reversed that), 2 because mf2 classes are now more distinctive so at least it is easier to tell them apart from classes for styling. not guaranteed, but better chances
[apatters]: they already a few several prefixes h-,p-,u-,dt-,e-
Wait, I said 4.0 I mean 5.0 it's 4.8 now
I haven't given up though
If it could break some themes then it's probably more appropriate for 5.0
Break is relative, but I agree might be best argument to get it included
They'll never do anything to 'break' a lot of sites
I do think the improvements in parsers to give mf2 precedence over existing mf1 classes helps
That seems like a fairly recent change
[miklb]: It is and it does.
[anomalily] and ricmac joined the channel
GWG: To my knowledge the extra u-photo and lack of a true h-card are the only things I think are obviously missing from Independent Publisher.
[chrisaldrich]: That u-photo should be wrapped in an h-card and the other h-cards removed.
what’s a true h-card?
He's also got a small bug he may have been having difficulty tracking down with respect to webmentions: https://github.com/raamdev/independent-publisher/issues/254
[raamdev] #254 IndieWeb Facebook "Loves" break webmention integration
It's not a bug
It's a missing feature on Semantic Linkbacks
Reacji are classified as replies. Replies = comments. Solution. Support Reacji. https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/60
[dshanske] #60 Reacji
Oh, I hadn't heard that, but also hadn't seen the issue he describes in other themes. So part missing feature/part bug perhaps?
It seemed like he was missing a piece of html then and all of the webmentions beyond those he indicated were being wrapped with the same URL.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
I'm thinking of fixing Independent Publisher so I can adopt it. My site is in need of a visual refresh.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG I have a way more interesting theme you can contribute to https://github.com/pfefferle/ZenPress ?
[pfefferle] ZenPress: Pure Zen for WordPress
[pfefferle]: I'm still going to fix Independent Publisher because so many use it. But I will also contribute to ZenPress. I want to have more themes that work with my plugins. May be selfish, but good in the long run.
pfefferle are you using zenpress or is there a demo?
miklb but it is still in dev!
ricmac joined the channel
GWG just joking
[pfefferle]: I'll contribute to anything.
If I think it will help
But I do need a new theme, and my design skills are such I'd rather add features to someone else's.
[pfefferle]: I may even send PRs to SemPress someday
Does no one like the time on their posts?
I show the time in my timeline on the home page, but not permalinks
[miklb]: I am in Pacific time. I want to show that I was on my posts made here
fair. Might get more feedback on that in #indieweb
Good point
So much to do, so little time
I'm releasing 3.1.0 of Simple Location. More features to come, but there are a lot of things in there I want to get out while I work on it.
seems like a good idea. Especially the option to set maps as public. I have the dev branch on my live site for it now.
[miklb]: It's done.
cool, I switch to master branch later.
It also fixes an OYS problem
It sets any post created outside the Post UI to the default
default of?
System default
The new checkbox.
get_option( 'geo_public')
If it isn't set, it defaults to WordPress default, which is public
Still need to sort out the problem of OYS not getting a post-kind set since it uses mf2_checkin though
[miklb]: Told you my plan on that
Going to support URL checkin in Post Kinds and local in Simple Location
ricmac joined the channel
OK. I’ll continue with my branch/PR for that then.
Just had a thought GWG, if the MF2 plugin can co-exist with themes, why not just make it part of the IW plugin? cc/pfefferle
miklb, might work
just thinking out loud, but combining them would be as soon as you activate the IW plugin, you immediately have some basic mf2 support, and we could keep building on that.
opened an issue in MF2 repo.
will answer both of your question when i am home from work
What was my question?
This time, at least
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
I meant miklb
he opened two issues and asked for feedback
no worries. thanks pfefferle
[chrisaldrich], [kiai], ricmac, dougbeal|mb1, [apatters] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
miklb so, one comment done ?
ricmac, [kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
Well, free coding day, I guess
ok, miklb thanks for the help... commited a new version!
pfefferle, do you have any instructions on how you automated deployment?
I would like to do that
for what plugin?
[miya0001] travis2wpplugin: Automated deploy to WordPress plugin repository from Travis CI
It has a typo, but works really well ?
[miya0001] travis2wpplugin: Automated deploy to WordPress plugin repository from Travis CI
pfefferle, what typo?
pfefferle, for my plugins...all of them. I like convenience
no, the travis2wpplugin ?
GWG let me know if I can help
auto-deploy all the things
yes! it is so much easier
simply make a tag and thats it
release fast, release often
dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
I’ll do the featured/u-photo thing in a branch for wp-uf2. I like the idea too of themes being able to selectively pick what to declare support for too.
do you have access to the wp-uf plugin?
yes, it’s in the indieweb repo, and I’m a member of the WP team of which that is part of.
[cleverdevil] and ricmac joined the channel
GWG added pull request for post-kinds
GWG please let me contribute!
GWG the PHP 5.2 support seems no longer working...
ricmac joined the channel
pfefferle, I need to do testing for versions
if so, you have to fix phpunit
heh, 5.2, I just put 7.1 on my local dev environment
ricmac joined the channel
btw I can recomment composer if you want to test your GitHub WordPress plugin version live on your server, before deploying it to WP.org
pfefferle, there is a phpcs script for versions of php
not that I know...
[indiewordpress] composer: A composer version of the IndieWeb WordPress plugin
[kevinmarks] and ricmac joined the channel
[wimg] PHPCompatibility: PHP Compatibility check for PHP_CodeSniffer
I need to learn more about Composer.
speaking of phpcs, I can’t wait for the WP cs library to update to 3.0
ricmac joined the channel
[miklb]: Oh?
yep, phpcs 3.0.1 is out, but the WP sniffs aren’t compatible with it. There’s a lot of work going on in that repo, but no release yet.
And I use homebrew for all of my local packages/dev environment, and they only have the latest version (no way to go back unless you have a cached version of previous release) so I’m dead in water with WP sniffs unless I were to try and manually install older package.
I deleted homebrew and rebuilt my local nginx webserver/dev environment over the weekend, thus loosing my cached older version ?
ricmac, [chrisaldrich], dougbeal|mb1 and [davidized] joined the channel
@gwg: Simple Location 3.1.0 is throwing a fatal error on activation. Looks like you’re requiring a file that doesn’t exist. https://github.com/dshanske/simple-location/issues/27
[davidized] #27 Fatal Error on Activation
[davidized]: It shouldn't be doing that. I tested the update on my site. Odd. That file doesn't exist anymore.
[davidized]: I can't reproduce that
I thought my update was botched so I tried deleting and re-downloading and had the same problem. Let me try it again.
Very odd, I checked the repo and it doesn't even try to load geo meta any longer
Just tried it again, same problem
Will remove. I had to rename because the class is geo data
One second, going to a computer
Pushed to Github.
Pushing to SVN next
Tested the new version on github, success ?
[davidized]: Tell me what you think of the plugin now that it activates
I'd like a review. Uploading to wordpress.org, but not bumping the version number
[davidized]: This is an intermediate point. A lot of the changes were under the hood, but I have more features to add.
ricmac joined the channel
I’ll take a look shortly, looking forward to the changes
[davidized]: Do you want me to highlight them while you are here?
No, I’ll dig around when I get the chance
Thanks though
Locations are the next thing I want to add into the theme I made for my site
[davidized]: The next features are check-ins and venues.
Awesome! looking forward to it
ricmac, dougbeal|mb1 and [eddie] joined the channel