#wordpress 2017-06-26
2017-06-26 UTC
[chrisaldrich] GWG++ for integrating bridgy signup into wordpress!

ricmac joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Most of the list is at home. Lots of updated documentation though... I think I'm going to write an indieweb book for WordPress though....

GWG [chrisaldrich]: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indieweb-wordpress
ricmac, [jeanmacdonald], tantek and tantek_ joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel
ricmac and [asteres] joined the channel
[miklb] I’ll work on it as a standalone plugin for now and I opened an issue to discuss best home for it on the IndieWeb plugin issues. https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb/issues/71

ricmac joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
ricmac, dougbeal|iOS, tantek and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] !tell GWG "We were discussing why so many things start as separate plugins" can you make an example?

[pfefferle] oh... no loqi?

[pfefferle] ah, there he is ?

ricmac, [cleverdevil] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[markmhendrickso, ricmac and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG are you referencing the discussion I attended remotely?

[pfefferle] GWG btw. this was not meant offensive in any way! only curious... and perhaps some misinterpretations because of language...

ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG perhaps we should document that branch/feature-plugin discussion on the WordPress wiki page

ricmac and [apatters] joined the channel
[apatters] Was just testing today and the issue I experienced yesterday with thumbnails getting attached to posts syndicated from my blog to FB is still present.
[apatters] Still super new to everything, but thinking about what we discussed yesterday, could it be because the post author info on Independent Publisher's single post template isn't an hCard? Someone suggested a lack of an hCard might be the issue yesterday.
[apatters] http://aaroncommand.com/2017/06/25/a-rough-sketch-for-an-indieweb-plugin-ux-update/ <-- no hCard
Loqi [apatters] A rough sketch for an Indieweb plugin UX update http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/6f59d6d0e764122279116308b751511f?s=100&d=mm&r=g

[apatters] And there's Loqi repro'ing the bug ?
[apatters] I can log a Github issue on Independent Publisher for this, but am trying to get some certainty that the issue is actually with IP before I do it
[grantcodes] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] how does the post look like in facebook and what tool do you use to post to facebook... I ask, because facebook does not support microfortmats at all...

[pfefferle] ...but you are right with the missing h-card and this may cause problems when sending webmentions, to other indieweb sites...

ricmac and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG we should re-think the comment-metas... either we switch the semantic-linkbacks to mf2_* or we use a more generic one like indie_*

[pfefferle] GWG using mf2_* and semantic_linkbacks_* is to much overhead I think

[miklb] joined the channel
[apatters] joined the channel
[apatters] pfefferle I'm using Bridgy to syndicate to Facebook. The thumbnail appears directly under the text of the post.
[miklb] pfefferle if you have any thoughts on this I'd love your opinion https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb/issues/71

ricmac joined the channel
[apatters] Bridgy is picking up more than one h-card for that post, and ends up including one of them in the body of the post when it syndicates to FB? Do I understand that correctly?
dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
[apatters] Oh yeah I see them. One in the page's main <header> and then two at the top and bottom of the article.
[apatters] Thanks @GWG!
[apatters] So, for a bit of context, when I set up the theme I uploaded my photo and some text for the site description, and then I also set up a Gravatar attached to the user account that I made the posts under, and gave it the same photo. Without the Gravatar the single post template was showing a stick man. So it looks like it might be pulling both of those things
[markmhendrickso joined the channel
[apatters] Why are they implemented in a theme as opposed to a plugin?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
tantek and ricmac joined the channel
[apatters] @GWG I thought microformats were intended to standardize semantic metadata about a piece of content. And then it is up to whoever consumes that metadata to style as they wish.
[apatters] So the theme is the consumer and should own the styling, but not sure about it being responsible for authoring.
[apatters] miklb I see. What does your plugin do, does it hook into wp's save post action and add markup?
[apatters] miklb Why doesn't it save the mf2 markup along with the object? Just curious
[apatters] So microformats allow me to designate semantic meaning to a post right? E.g. that it is a quotation or something?
[apatters] Ah, so here was how I actually had assumed it worked: suppose you want to post an event. Some plugin/theme code throws up a metabox in your post editor with various microformats to select from, one is the event format. When you save your post the markup for that microformat is written along with it.
[apatters] You could do that without the theme ever knowing or caring about microformats, I think, though there might be other drawbacks.
ricmac joined the channel
[apatters] Does the Post Kinds plugin use microformat for all those post types?
[apatters] Got it
[apatters] Webmentions and microformats seem like the sort of things to me which should be in the wp core
[apatters] If mf1 classes were used for styling, why won't mf2 classes be used for the same purpose? Even if it's a bad practice, it's probably tempting to do
[apatters] And this is WP. 20% of the internet or whatever
[apatters] Someone's gonna do it (thousands of someones)
[apatters] lol
[apatters] Too late for mf2 to include a namespace in the classnames I guess. e.g. mf2-h-event
[apatters] If it could break some themes then it's probably more appropriate for 5.0
[anomalily] and ricmac joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] GWG: To my knowledge the extra u-photo and lack of a true h-card are the only things I think are obviously missing from Independent Publisher.

[chrisaldrich] He's also got a small bug he may have been having difficulty tracking down with respect to webmentions: https://github.com/raamdev/independent-publisher/issues/254

GWG Reacji are classified as replies. Replies = comments. Solution. Support Reacji. https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/60
[chrisaldrich] Oh, I hadn't heard that, but also hadn't seen the issue he describes in other themes. So part missing feature/part bug perhaps?

[chrisaldrich] It seemed like he was missing a piece of html then and all of the webmentions beyond those he indicated were being wrapped with the same URL.

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG I have a way more interesting theme you can contribute to https://github.com/pfefferle/ZenPress ?

[pfefferle] ups old url https://notiz.blog

[pfefferle] miklb but it is still in dev!

ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG just joking

[pfefferle] ?

ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] will answer both of your question when i am home from work

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[pfefferle] I meant miklb

[pfefferle] he opened two issues and asked for feedback

[chrisaldrich], [kiai], ricmac, dougbeal|mb1, [apatters] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] miklb so, one comment done ?

ricmac, [kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
[pfefferle] ok, miklb thanks for the help... commited a new version!

[pfefferle] for what plugin?

[pfefferle] I used this one https://github.com/miya0001/travis2wpplugin

[pfefferle] It has a typo, but works really well ?

[pfefferle] and .svnignore https://github.com/miya0001/travis2wpplugin

[pfefferle] WP_PULUGIN_DEPLOY=1

[pfefferle] no, the travis2wpplugin ?

[pfefferle] GWG let me know if I can help

[pfefferle] yes! it is so much easier

[pfefferle] simply make a tag and thats it

[pfefferle] release fast, release often

dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
[pfefferle] :thumbsup:

[pfefferle] do you have access to the wp-uf plugin?

[pfefferle] :thumbsup:

[cleverdevil] and ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG added pull request for post-kinds

[pfefferle] GWG please let me contribute!

[pfefferle] ?

[pfefferle] GWG the PHP 5.2 support seems no longer working...

ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] but 5.2?

[pfefferle] if so, you have to fix phpunit

[pfefferle] ^^

ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] btw I can recomment composer if you want to test your GitHub WordPress plugin version live on your server, before deploying it to WP.org

[pfefferle] not that I know...

[pfefferle] indieweb composer example https://github.com/indiewordpress/composer

[kevinmarks] and ricmac joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
ricmac, [chrisaldrich], dougbeal|mb1 and [davidized] joined the channel
[davidized] @gwg: Simple Location 3.1.0 is throwing a fatal error on activation. Looks like you’re requiring a file that doesn’t exist. https://github.com/dshanske/simple-location/issues/27
[davidized] I thought my update was botched so I tried deleting and re-downloading and had the same problem. Let me try it again.
[davidized] Just tried it again, same problem
[davidized] Looks like it’s trying to load it on line 26 https://github.com/dshanske/simple-location/blob/master/simple-location.php#L26
[davidized] Tested the new version on github, success ?
ricmac joined the channel
[davidized] I’ll take a look shortly, looking forward to the changes
[davidized] No, I’ll dig around when I get the chance
[davidized] Thanks though
[davidized] Locations are the next thing I want to add into the theme I made for my site
[davidized] Awesome! looking forward to it
ricmac, dougbeal|mb1 and [eddie] joined the channel