2017-06-29 UTC
[grantcodes], ricmac_, dougbeal|mb1, tantek, [kiai], [evan_sirchuk] and ricmac joined the channel
# 09:20 Loqi gwg has 4 karma in this channel (246 overall)
# 09:20 sebsel Don't use wordpress myself (anymore) but I just saw your plugin working on a video of IWS and it's great
# 09:20 Loqi gwg has 5 karma in this channel (247 overall)
# 09:21 sknebel hmpf, aaronpk didn't unlock topic changes for the other channels
# 09:39 GWG sknebel: Which plugin? The Bridgy Registration?
# 09:41 sebsel Good UI :) not yet pretty on the demo, but good UI!
# 09:53 sknebel Kaja << "this probably is not Kaja, but a general tool, but can we do anything to easily align videos with chat for creation of demo pages"
# 09:53 Loqi ok, I added ""this probably is not Kaja, but a general tool, but can we do anything to easily align videos with chat for creation of demo pages"" to the "See Also" section of /User:Kaja.sknebel.net
ricmac joined the channel
# 13:53 sebsel I was testing it with +t, but -t is great too ;)
ricmac joined the channel
[miklb] and [eddie] joined the channel
dougbeal|iOS, [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks] and [anomalily] joined the channel
# 17:58 [anomalily] Question: There is no way to get FB threaded comments to appear on wordpress in a threaded manner using Brid.gy, is there?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 18:06 [chrisaldrich] Sometimes I'll sneak into my database and manually thread them if it helps the conversation, but usually they make sense when not threaded depending on the post.
# 18:10 [chrisaldrich] I would think FB provides the data and bridgy may too, but there's nothing connecting them in wp.
# 18:12 [chrisaldrich] I'm in the car, but may be worth asking in #indieweb channel to see if anyone else threads.
[miklb] joined the channel
# 18:21 [miklb] threaded comments in WP is voodoo however you slice it.
tantek, ricmac, [eddie], [aarongustafson], [miklb], [kevinmarks] and ricmac_ joined the channel