[miklb]something accessible via the admin might be the best case scenario so anyone could look and see what’s going, especially trying to debug something via chat and not technically proficient enough to access a log file on the server i.e. debug.log
[miklb]yeah, I’ve seen some plugins have an option to turn logging on/off. Mostly, turn on if having an issue so you can see what’s breaking, then turn off again.
[miklb]GWG I’m seeing a 2.6.3 available in the WP admin for post-kinds, but README says 2.6.2. When I look at the commits in GUI tree, 2.6.3 is outside the master branch it looks like. I think I’m missing something
Billbennettnz, ricmac, [cleverdevil], [miklb], dougbeal|mb1, tantek, [colinwalker], [eddie], [chrisaldrich], [kiai] and [grantcodes] joined the channel